✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
My beloved children! Look at Golgotha, on which you will see the Sacred Heart of Jesus united with my Immaculate Heart in co-redemptive love. In these two Sacred Hearts a new spring will blossom for the Holy Catholic Church. The Holy Spirit will descend and renew Her, returning Her to the roots of Holy Catholic Tradition, just as my Son left Her to you. It will be the triumph of our most Sacred Hearts over Satan and the demons. I, your most holy Mother, will be crowned by the Catholic Church, by the love of the Most Holy Trinity, with the triumphal wreath of Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Intercessor. This victory is coming and no one can thwart it. The Holy Catholic Church suffers much persecution, but remember that victory is coming. It is the victory of the Holy Cross and the glorious Resurrection. I immerse you in the love of Jesus’s Heart and Mine.