✞ The human will serves as brush for Jesus in order to portray His image in the heart.
Hello my brothers and sisters, as usual I hope this posting finds you all to be well.
As we are coming upon the most holy time of the year I pray that God reaches us in ways we have never experienced. I don’t know about any of you but it seems to me to be less commercial across the board. This may be due to the fact that we no longer watch cable television or See commercials in our home. This is a tremendous blessing and one that I recommend very highly to all of you! As I share this writing with you tonight I want to make note of something. When I heard this message I felt a deep understanding of what God was telling us. According to what I received we are definitely in a time of testing. A time of testing that seems to be personal as well as a time of testing that appears to be for our church itself. I know I have been going through my own turmoil in life recently and it has been very challenging, but I also know that God is here with us through it all. May grace be obtained for each and every one of us that are going through these trials. On a personal note I will remind all of us of one simple thing, we do not have to hold power or have influence over others to affect their lives. All we need to do is to learn to reach down inside of us and harness the power of the Almighty and He will change people’s lives with His words more than we could ever have dreamed. I am a testimony of that effect and I wish to shout out to a brother of mine who has reached out to me in support and say, “thank you for thinking of me and my family at this time it has meant the world to us!”
So my brothers and sisters may we all be a witness and a cause in other people’s lives so that by the thousands people will ask us where we get what we resemble? Listen on as I share with you what our Father taught me regarding these times.
December 3, 2016
Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. Do not think that I do not see the heart my son. I know the loneliness and the despair many of my children are feeling, yourself included. Now is the time of great distress, now is the time of the testing of my church. As you know, at the time all discipline feels like pain, but it produces the fruit of the spirit that is so needed in your time. Offer all things to me my children. Only I know how to make something beautiful out of so much pain and disappointment: look to the story of my son if you need an example. Through His discipline all have the opportunity of being saved. Through His stripes you were healed. So many have forgotten what He has done for them and think I don’t understand what they are going through. This could not be further from the truth. I am here my children, I have always been here and I am also present in your future. I am at all places at all times, this is something that your flesh does not comprehend but your spirit does. Stop living for the flesh my children it will only disappoint you each and every time. Remember I designed you and I created you to enjoy your life, but only to find real fulfillment in me. Everything else is a temporary and shallow source of true joy and it will only leave you wanting for more. This is what Satan counts on when he lays his traps before you. He knows your weaknesses, he has seen them all of your lives and he does all that he can to manipulate them. Do not fear my children, the power within you given in baptism is greater than any plan Satan can attempt to come up with. Learn how to harness that power my little ones, learn to call on the power of the God within you. Do this with certainty, do this with authority, do this with Trust and he will have no choice but to flee from you for he cannot stand to be in the presence of someone so strong in the spirit. This my children is your journey, weaken and conquer the flesh and give rise to the spirit within you. Call on me and I will be there, in fact I already am. That is all my son, now go in peace and tell others to call on the spirit of their God within them and they will see what I have been teaching you. I love you, amen.