✞ What victim means.
Good evening my brothers and sisters, as always I hope this post finds you well.
For whatever purpose or reason God has been very active with me lately. I have several writings that I have received even just within the last week. All of them seem to be important, but due to the nature of the topic of Lent that Jesus spoke to me about, I decided to put this one up next.
Jesus asks us in this writing to pray to Him and to ask Him what He would like us to do with our Lenten season this year. I don’t know about you, but usually I try to pick something that I enjoy or have an attachment to that I would choose to give up for these 40 days. It was odd to me on Ash Wednesday that nothing felt strong in my heart to do this year and figured I would just continue to pray about it and something would make sense. I didn’t however, think that a global message from Jesus would answer that question directly. There is so much filth and so much evil around us for what seems like 24 hours a day and seven days a week. I was speaking to a spiritual friend earlier this evening and we spoke about the importance of feeding our souls. I explained to her that just like the body, the soul will be fed every day whether it is receiving good nutrition or bad. We must choose to feed our souls more than we choose to feed our bodies. As God has taught me many times, one of those two is dying while the other one is trying to raise itself and go home to heaven. This is an absolute truth whether we like it or not and our priorities of care that we give this composite being must weigh heavy on the soul side. I can speak from experience when I tell you if we start our day and end our day in this place it will produce fruit that we have never experienced before. So without further ado I will give you the message that Jesus gave me on February 11, 2016. Pray well my friends, we will talk soon.
Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Savior Jesus. Learn from me my children for I am meek and humble of heart. You have begun this season of Lent, I wish all of you to pray to me and ask me what I would like you to do this year. Do not waste your time on things that do not matter, but spend real-time developing your soul this year. I know what each of you lack or what each of you struggle with, remember I dealt with temptations as well. Call on me this season to enlighten you as to the condition of your soul and I will ever so gently show you the way. I AM the way and the truth and the life, for this you must yearn. Spend this season looking past your own issues and needs, and look to those that are around you. Remember I wished you all one thing when I returned to the upper room; “Peace”. That is what I won for you on the cross, the gift of supernatural life living within you, available for the taking every moment of every day. In order for you to harness that power you must trust and look for the needs of others before yourself. I have told you all before that the heart yearns for this peace and that it will spread to others as it has been given to you. This is how the world will change, by love you will win the hearts of your enemies and lead them back to me. This is what I would like you to focus on this Lent, help to win souls for your Lord. My children I know all, and be assured you will be awarded for your obedience to my request. Pray for this my children, I AM is waiting. That is all my child, now go in peace and win souls for your God. I love you, amen.