✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Good evening my brothers and sisters I hope you are having a very blessed day.
Once again I have purposely left this blog as it was, but this time it was due to what we were going through as a country here in the United States. The conclusion of that process then became a very apparent answer to prayer. The reason I say this may not be for the reason you think I may be saying this. I am saying this because on the night of our election for president of our country I was very tired and truly just wished to go to bed. This however was not God’s plan for me that night. As I was getting ready to find my slumber for the evening our Lord directed me to get up and to pray at that moment for our country. He asked me to pray that the hearts of all of those who are still voting would be open. That was it… He did not ask me to pray for one candidate or another but just to pray for their hearts to be open. This I did for quite a while, I offered a very powerful rosary for this intention as well. I went to bed like most people feeling hopeless to some degree because of all of the corruption and all of the sleight-of-hand that seemed to be going on that day as you heard story after story of what was happening at the poling stations. I knew God would use whatever happened that night, but I never expected to be awoken at 3 o’clock in the morning by my wife to tell me the outcome. Now you will notice that I have not mentioned anyone’s names or parties because that is not what was important. What was important was knowing that God’s will was going to be done that evening. You will also notice I have put a couple of pictures of our candidates on this posting. The reason I did that is because the message I am posting tonight talks about the importance of being “in” peace. The outcome of our election showed us that far too many people do not choose to live that way. If we will only follow what He asked us to do than all of the rest of these problems would go away. However because no one is calling Satan on the carpet and announcing where he is, our brothers and sisters have grown divided from one another. It is time for us to join together with the one common denominator that we all love, Jesus! If we will only do that Satan will once again fall from the sky; figuratively speaking. Just like the dream I had where the bear was causing the accidents but yet everybody was fighting with each other, the world is in great need of a wake-up call. Please listen to the message I received from our loving Father, it’s as if he knew exactly what was going to happen… Because He did :) thank you Lord for hearing our prayer!
October 4, 2016
Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My son many times before have I told you to be “at” peace, but today I give you a further command: Be “In” Peace! To be “in” peace means to be in me is I am in you. It is a way of existing in this world away from all of the evil and confusion. It is a gift to be this way, a way completely detached from the world around you. A way that surpasses all understanding and gives you a knowing that your almighty God is present with you at all times. I am at the center of every circumstance and in every blessing you receive. At the end of your life here on earth you will receive knowledge of where I was at every aspect of your existence. You will be very surprised when you see all the things that were sent as blessings to you, many of these things you did not have the ability to understand because you were not living “in” peace at the time. You will learn that all things sent to you were for your good even if it did not appear so at the time. For now, until you have completed your mission here on this earth, may you all strive to live “in” peace. The world is in great need of this, the church is in desperate need of teaching this. Maybe your prayer this day to be an instrument of this piece and may you be an example to others who so desperately need it. That is all my son, now go and be “in” peace. I love you, amen.