✞ By living her nothingness, the soul is filled with God.
Good evening my brothers and sisters, as always I hope this latest post finds you well.
I spent some time this evening before creating this post reading through my latest journal book. Although I have some recent messages to share with all of you, I felt very drawn to one of the ones that I could not complete for you in August of this past year. I felt drawn to it because of the light that it sheds on each one of us regarding ourselves. It also sheds light on the workings of the evil one in places within us that we would probably not want to see. Our Lord makes it very clear in this message that we are extremely responsible for how much cooperation we have given to “red legs” when it comes to our daily behaviors and patterns of habit. It is always easier to see the devil without than the devil within. I guess another way to say that is to quote Jesus himself when he said, “look at the log in your own I and then you will be able to see the splinter within your brother’s eye”. So as I share with you this evening what our Lord gave me that day, I urge you to take the time to read these words over and over again, making sure that they sink deeply into your heart and soul so that His truth can make us free. I could go on about this for quite some time but I think you get the idea. As always, it is His message that matters and not my viewpoint. May His words reach you where they are needed most. Until next time…….
My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My son, be not surprised at what you see happening around you, for it has all been foretold to you that it would. Evil is everywhere and it appears to be flourishing. In some cases it is,… at the moment. Please remember my children that Satan and all of his fallen Angels of death would have absolutely no power over you, or this world, if you did not cooperate in his lies and deceit. Know this however, that even though it may appear that he owns the entire world, he has already been defeated by the sacrifice of my son Jesus on the cross for your sins. Because of this, grace was returned to mankind from the fall and has left Satan absolutely powerless over even death. Look for him now my children and see his deceitful and sneaky ways he has entered into your lives. At every finding of him there, you will find unhappiness and destruction directed at taking you away from me and my plans for you. Do not give into any of his tricks. Protect yourselves and your families from any and all evil. He has no access to you without your cooperation in his offer to you. Do not look for large areas of your life and expect to find him, look at the small habitual areas of your life and you will discover where he has taken a foothold. He doesn’t want you seeing him there for fear you may turn to me. Once he is discovered, choose against him and repent for what you find. I will forgive you and strengthen you in that area of your soul so that you may once again find peace. Remember my children, look at the habitual areas of your life to expose him. Some of you may be very surprised at what you may find. That is all my son, now go in peace and share the words I’ve given to you. It is time to fight back. I love you, amen.