✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Good evening my brothers and sisters, as usual I hope this posting finds you well. I have had quite the busy schedule as of late, but I must share with you something that was given to me in the last couple of weeks. So much seems to be upside down in this world, so much confusion seems to be present in the matter where you look or what you listen to. In this posting you will hear our Lord explain that that confusion has been do to the devil planting his own seeds. Unfortunately for many, he has not had much resistance to his plan. This should not make us fear but it should keep us on our toes. His attacks are extremely underhanded and they have the appearance of and almost good to them. Thank God for the Holy Spirit to keep us aware of truth. May he continue to be the loudest voice we hear and may he continue to keep us grounded in the word. My brothers and sisters according to what I heard and wrote a great day is coming. This feels like a day where truth will conquer even if it is just for a moment, but which one of us wouldn’t die to experience that moment? Which one of us hasn’t been praying for God to take the reins and bring good back into the world? So my brothers and sisters please listen as I share with you what it was I received almost 2 weeks ago. I must make note that since I received this I was also woken up at 3 AM on the 20th to give me even a greater understanding. So here are the words I received. May they serve their intended purpose.
Feb 14, 2017
Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. The soil is being tilled my son, the seeds have been planted and continue to be planted, for the great harvest is upon you. As I have said before, all things in darkness will be revealed. A great light of truth is very soon to come upon mankind: as in the days of the great flood, many are not ready for what is coming. It will be a day, or should I say a moment of purification where all sin shall be known and every grace necessary for conversion shall be granted. This is a great day that is coming, for in the days of the great flood many had their repentance due to fear when the absolute end was upon them, in this day coming, mankind will have the life, the ability, and the free will to turn against their evil ways and repent. I shall grant forgiveness to any and all that choose life in this great awakening of the soul, but for those who choose against me they will have sealed their fate in an act of the will. This is not a day to fear my children for my grace is greater than any sin. This is a day of celebration, for many will turn and be saved as they join the fold of true believers. Let this be your prayer each and every day my children: to be like the wise virgins who were ready at their calling in time. Pray for this my little ones and I would be more than happy to answer you with love and joy. Do not lose focus on this, for the evil one has put forth great effort to destroy your ability to see truth as truth. A great confusion has come upon mankind and the world due to his own version of dropping the seeds. He has developed a world full of doubt and a great lack of faith has spread from his message of death, but fear not for I am coming for what is mine and you my children belong to me. As I have said, I placed before you life and death, choose life my children. That is all my son, now go and spread the word to be prepared for the great day is upon you. I love you, amen.