✞ By living her nothingness, the soul is filled with God.
Due to a lack of available time I will write my part later. Needless to say it is not as easy as it was before to do this so I will at least get the message out to you!
June 11, 2017
Lord: My son be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. Patience my son, I ask for patience. You cannot see what I am doing, but I am working constantly and tirelessly toward an outcome. Many of my children, even those who believe are being tried by the time it is taking to accomplish that of which I promised I would do. Do not worry my little ones, I will not be late. I know exactly what needs to be done for each and every moment that occurs in time. A plan has been set in motion that will not be thwarted no matter how much the evil one tries. He has had his time and now it is my time to come after what is mine. Do not fear for he will be able to do no more harm than the attempt he made for the time he was given. Soon all will know peace again. Soon all will pay attention to the sounds of nature and not be so indulged in all of the sin that currently surrounds them. Soon all will know the lies they believed and attempted to make into a truth just to support their wicked desires and passions of the flesh. Just be patient a little while longer my children, my timing will not disappoint. Think of the times you are traveling through as a scourging of sorts. Soon will come the crucifixion of evil and the resurrection of good once again. Be patient not only with me, but with one another. These are trying times for everyone; some just don’t know it as well. You are all suffering. You are all the Body of Christ. The Body of my beloved son, and when one part suffers, it is felt throughout the whole Body. The head, my son, will lead the rest of the Body to victory, as He already has lead it to victory over death. Think of this my children when you are tempted to doubt and give up your faith, He destroyed even death.This is something you cannot fully understand here, but you will when you get to heaven. Please my children meditate on these words of mine given through my servant you call “MatthewSix25to34” and please be patient with him too, for he has not been spared the suffering I spoke to you about. That is all my son, now go and share all that I have given you with the others. The Body thirsts… I love you, amen.