A challenge from Jesus?

By MatthewSix25to34

April 30, 2017

Good evening my brothers and sisters, I hope as usual this post finds you well.

I know many of you wait for the next message that Our Lord has to share and I know I don’t keep up with this as I should, but I hope you understand what a labor of love this really is for me. Please also believe me when I tell you that finding the time in this small house when there is no children needing me and I can actually sit and think so that I can write something I do not want to run after and retrieve from the internet after it is complete is about as rare as the great flood; okay maybe a little less than that.

I only tell you that so you know that there is a reason I do not have something out very frequently and that it is not for a lack of desire to do so for you as well as Our Lord. I ask your prayer for the book so I can find the time and ability to get it written as I know the time is fast approaching when it is to be finished for you. Okay, enough of that, I just thought that I might owe you that little explanation. Now for the better things…. in this blog entry you will hear Our Lord get away from the talk of what is coming and instead He discusses how we should be living regardless. I feel it a great challenge for us to do what He is asking, but that does not mean that He is wrong, in fact we KNOW He is not! God shared something with me a couple of weeks ago before I received this. Maybe it was a prelude to the message, I don’t know. He said to me, “My son many of my children are afraid to forgive those that have wronged them. They fear that if they do, then the person will have somehow gotten away with it. What they don’t know is that the gift of forgiveness is not primarily for the person who has wronged them, but it is for them themselves.  They must understand that vengeance is mine and that I will have the final say with each and everyone of you. Just because you forgive them does not mean that they are off the hook, it means that you are free of the burden of holding onto the anger and the bitterness. This is where satan wishes you to be, full of anger and hatred for your fellow man, when you forgive them he immediately loses that hold he has over you and the grace of the Holy Spirit can fill that void and heal you. Do not worry my children for no one gets away with hiding anything from me and they will have to answer for each thing they have done that is not confessed and repented for.” So decide for yourselves when you hear this message what Jesus is referring to in your own lives. I am sure we all suffer from the same trap, UN-forgiveness. Until next time…


April 19, 2017 (in front of the Eucharistic Lord)

Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Savior Jesus. Look at what I have done for you, for each one of you. I gave up my life for those who were persecuting me. I asked my Father to forgive them for they knew not what they were doing. Can you do the same my little ones? Can you be true disciples of me and my ways? It is not easy to do this, you must put yourself at the service of others and harbor no ill will against any of them, especially those who hurt you the most. Do not worry what they have done to you, instead be concerned about your actions back toward them. This is how the world knows you belong to me, by being imitators of my way. Forgive others who have wronged you, pray for your enemies. Do not let sin fill your heart and cloud your judgement. Leave all areas of vengeance to me, for it is mine to do with as I will. No one leaves this world without having to make an account of what they have done with the life they were given. Did they use it wisely? Did they benefit the lives of others or live only for themselves? These are realities you cannot escape my children. Be aware of these truths and live them each and everyday, for one day very soon they will be right in front of you demanding a reply to these questions. Do not let satan have your hearts my children, he is very active today doing the best he can in misdirecting your concerns to be only upon yourselves. He has stirred up such selfishness in the world that it is difficult to find the love that has been dispersed to all for the betterment of mankind. Do not fall for his tricks and deceptions for he too soon shall be silenced and his reign shall be no more. Remember my little ones I am always here, I do not leave you abandoned or orphaned. My love is ever at your side to see you through each and every trial you are called to endure. Never forget this my children, you are never alone no matter how dark it appears and how hopeless it may seem. I am the light and the truth and the Love that you need. Come to me,… I thirst. That is all my son, now go in peace and forgive everyone so that you may be forgiven. I love you amen.