✞ Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.
Good evening my brothers and sisters, I hope you all have been well. Please do not hold against me or judge me for my lack of presence as of late, I have had my hands full and I must be careful with what I am sharing with all of you. Satan has many traps and snares he has set before me and he is just hoping I will get caught in one of them! I cannot give him that room and therefore I must be cautious. With that being said, I have been holding onto a message that I was going to share with you all on October 13, but I was hit with one of those traps and I never got it out, so better late than never right? The message I received on this was an important one and one that our Lord wanted me to share with you as soon as I could. One thing I must make note of is the fact that I received this just before all the storms came and wreaked havoc everywhere, this made me rethink the part about the “creation retaliating”. As you will be able to see by information it contains, we are getting ready for something to occur sometime soon. Our Lord was telling me that we are in “Labor” now and that we are getting ready to give birth to a new day; a better one! So I will leave my part short, as it really doesn’t matter what I have to say anyway, and just give you the message for your own discernment. So here it is.
September 8, 2017
Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My son now you begin to see the imbalance the world has been thrown into. There is only so much evil my creation can stand before it begins to retaliate. You have been told earlier that the birth pangs had begun, now I tell you that surely you are in labor. Now is when the true work begins, now is when you cling to your faith like a lifeboat. Now is what it is like for a mother when she is getting ready to give birth to a new life. The labor has begun and the pain is intensifying, but soon will come the birth of a new day. The day of evil will be coming to an end and the birth of gladness and joy will once again occur. Once again the air will be filled with the sound of children laughing and playing. Once again my name will be declared in the streets and people will no longer fear persecution for their faith in me and my son. Also, once again my church will be a place of holiness and truth, it will be a place of instruction in the spirit and not corruption of the soul. Once again my child all will know that I AM God. First however, you must travel through this time. You must experience the “labor” of delivery. The purging has begun my little ones and I am establishing the day that all will know truth, whether they like it or not. This is the time you have been told about my children, now is the time to embrace your faith like never before for the evil one is making his last stand against my people and my church. Do not let him have even one victory in your lives my children. Fight him with all that you have and you will conquer him. Remember, the battle has already been won, you just have to travel through it to see the end. That is all my child, now go and tell all who will listen to stand at guard; the fight is at your doorstep. I love you my son, amen.