✞ How to make Jesus be born and grow in your hearts.
Good evening my brothers and sisters, I hope this finds you well!
I am so overly joyed to be writing to you on my item of “grace”…. my new laptop computer that makes this soooo much easier than waiting around 5-10 minutes every time I push a button; thank you brother Steve from the bottom of my heart!! May God bless you 10,000 fold for your generosity 🙂
Now brothers and sisters, on to our Lords message. I think we all here a lot that this is the end, that Jesus is coming nect Tuesday. However in the message I am sharing with you tonight – our Father says this is not the case. In fact He says we will not know when He is coming, but He stresses (in the way I received it) that the most important thing is that we are ready at ALL times! It is true that when He comes there will be truth known and obvious repentance needed to appease Him, but brothers and sisters I think we spend so much time waiting on Him to return that we don’t realize all of that may come to fruition in an instant. He may call any one of us home in the next five minutes… and if He does, will we have been ready to face Him and ourselves? This is what He wants us thinking about tonight my brothers and sisters – DO NOT WAIT be ready now! Are we? Are we as a society or a world ready for His coming? He says to search yourself for the answer and you will find it. I think it is time we do just that. Thank you my brothers and sisters and I pray this message brings you clarity and understanding.
July 4, 2020
Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My son, be patient. Tell the world to be patient for I AM is coming. My Spirit is being blown across the world. I am making a new way, can you conceive what it is that I am doing? I am making a crooked way straight and all things will be made new. Does that concept interest you my children? Then you must be patient and trust in my timing for all things. So many of my children call out for my son’s return, but it is not yet time. First the ground must be made fertile to ensure the seed falls on good soil. The evil one is waiting for me to act but I assure you when my son does return, no one will see it coming for He will be like a thief in the night. Now is the time my children to till the soil and get ready for the great day that will be upon you before you know it. A day where you will be visited by absolute truth. Be ready and prepare. That should be your main area of focus right now my children. Are you ready to give an answer for all that you’ve done with what I gave you? You must all make an account for what choices you have made. Are you ready for that day my little ones? Search yourself and you will know – the Spirit will show you the truth. That is all my son, now go and get some rest; it is late. I love you my son, amen.