✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Good afternoon my brothers and sisters, as always I hope this post finds you well.
I wanted to reach out to you today for a couple of reasons. As you will see in this post, it is very important that we are seeking with all that we have to find God in our lives and the reason that He created us. This is the central theme for today; to earnestly desire understanding why God made us and to specifically learn about our calling? This is something near and dear to me as I have spent many years in search of this. This brings me to another one of my announcements today. For many years, actually 25 of them, I have remained the hidden disciple. This is absolutely how I like it and I have no desire to change it, however God seems to have other plans. He has asked me to make this now my more full-time position in the world and has given me instructions as to what to do about it. I can tell you my brothers and sisters that this is not what I set out to do; I thought that I would only have to get on here every once in a great while and share a message with you. But lately God has shown me the importance of the times we are living and what I was created to do here. I’ll announce more about this in the very near future. For now let me share this post with you that our Lord gave me in October and that He stressed the importance of for everyone!
Brothers and sisters I urge you to listen to this message with your heart and to follow it up with your prayer. God will answer all the questions you have so do not be afraid to ask Him. I am open and eager to hear your comments and your experiences after implementing His wish for all of you. I will be back sooner than I anticipated and I will fill you in on more at that time. Have a very blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving brothers and sisters!
October 17, 2020
Lord: My child be at peace, it is your Lord and God and Father. My son all that I have told you about will soon come to pass for all of my children regardless of their personal beliefs. This is why it is so important to keep putting me and my calling on your life in front of everything else. Your entire purpose here, as it should be for all of my children, must be to fulfill what I called you to be and the purpose for my having created you. None of you are made on accident or by mistake. You all have a specific purpose or reason for your creation it comes to my plan or desires for this world and my church; of which you are a member of the body. Make this your primary desire to understand and complete while you are here on earth my children and then what awaits you afterwards eye has not seen and ear has not heard. When you do this my children, I will in turn provide everything else you could possibly ever need. Doesn’t that sound fair to you my child? This is the secret my son, if there was one, for my children to understand. Seek me and the reason I have put you here and I will take care of the rest. This is your calling my children, get started on it before it’s too late. That is all my son, now spread the word I have given you and get some sleep. I love you, amen.
An audio file to go along with this…