✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Good evening my brothers and sisters, I hope you have been well!
I have been set on a course to share with you and to teach you what God has spent several years now teaching me. He calls these teachings, “The Principles”. He has shown me these things because the enemy has had a leg up on us and has been gaining small victories over us for a long time now. Any of you who are familiar with the Pope Leo vision and the Saint Michael prayer realizes that God gave permission to Satan to tempt and try the church for a period of 75 to 100 years as far as it is understood. I can tell you right now my brothers and sisters,… We are in this time! Just look around us and realize that it appears that all hell has broken loose. This may actually be the truth? The great news my brothers and sisters is that it won’t last forever and I have a personal feeling we are coming to an end of this reign just as it finally did for Job – another one who had permission to be tested.
The post I’m going to share with you is regarding a day that is coming where we will all know the truth whether we like it or not. Now I know my brothers and sisters when I have upset the evil one because he tries to stop me. I am trying to put this post out as recently as last week, but as soon as I sat down to do so my computers could not access the Internet any longer that evening. This does not discourage me, it only drives me forward because I know he is afraid of you learning this! So please read on my brothers and sisters and take heed to His words, for that day will surely arrive. God bless until next time….
By the way I must make a note that although you see pictures that are pointing out one movie to watch, this by no means influenced this message at this time – in fact the message I received came before I saw this movie myself. But it does start to explain how the evil one has been able to control so many at one time from a very hidden and trance like place in all of our lives. Lord thank you for exposing a TRUTH!
September 26, 2020
Lord: My child be a peace, is I your Lord and God and Father. The day of awakening is close my son. Soon all will see what I see when I look at them. Soon all will see their soul as I see it. What will they see? What will you see yourself? For all it will be a day of enlightenment, but that should be followed by a day of atonement. Mankind has lost their way. They have chosen to live in a world that I created for them without me. The evil one controls their minds by the way that he influences the media and the way my children have worshiped their false idols (I make note that this part personally felt to me to be very strong regarding the media as well as devices – especially cell phones and computers). So very few have recognized him as the reason for all of this mayhem and chaos that your world has been thrown into. The sad thing is that he would gain no ground at all or have even the slightest victory if my children would say, “no” to his invitations to sin. He has no power over you if you do not cooperate with him. He may have influence over some, because of how the laws of spirit in your world work together. But I have given you the tools that you need to dismantle his hold on you. Please use these tools my children; known to you my son as “The Principles”. You have the ability and the authority to stop and even remove all that he has won as a judgment over you. My son his power is a lie too many, but many have chosen to believe this lie. This is what you are listening to when you choose to listen to the news as some of my children do. Don’t do that to yourself, is one of the strongest areas Satan possesses control of in order to control you. Prayer is the answer my children. Prayer and repentance. Pray to me and ask me to expose the lies in your life, then repent for whatever part you have had a responsibility in. You will be surprised as to what some of those things may be. Do this my children; pray and repent and the day I spoke of earlier to you shall go well for you. That is all my son, now go in peace and spread the word that I have given to you. They are waiting on it. I love you my son, Amen.
The Social Dilemma | Netflix
I urge all of you to PLEASE watch this!
Behind the Curtain | Tactics of the Enemy
What will you find if you look deeply?
The Technology that Connects Us also Controls Us | Netflix
“The Scary Truth – what a hidden plan”