✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Good morning my brothers and sisters and HAPPY EASTER!!!!
I wanted to make sure that even with my crazy schedule I got the following into your hands. You see I was sitting outside on my porch on Wednesday when I received a message that I was supposed to share by Easter; in the beginning of the message I was not sure exactly who was communicating this to me because it did not feel like one person expressing and as you can see it was actually the entire Trinity. The strange thing was that it didn’t end up being what I thought it might be – you know the fact of Jesus’ death and resurrection, but instead our Father seemed to be focused on seeing us free ourselves with His help from the bondage that so many of us live with on a daily basis! What a loving Father, determined to see us free and happy with Him. It was also strange for me to have Him refer to me in the message as many times as He did and refer to my story like this, but I guess this is all part of the “new” approach to this ministry. I actually began this writing this day with a question to Him about me and my purpose here. Usually He will answer those kind of questions privately, but it became clear as I wrote this that it wasn’t going to be that way with this answer. He was answering both of us at the same time. I have always remained in the background and been perfectly fine with being anonymous, but I guess those days are over and it is time to spread the word like never before – I believe it is because of the time we are entering soon which will bring on the great day of enlightenment. I even went as far as to create a Google Voice number for those of you who feel a need to discuss or speak to me about any of these “principles”.
So my brothers and sisters please listen to the attached message that our Father shared with me and follow along to the best of your ability. I will be sharing more on the “Principles” in the near future – I believe there are 26 of them. I will be discerning what more He wants me to do but if any of you need that number I created, just email me and I will get it to you. Thanks so much for listening brothers and sisters and I wish you all a very Happy Easter.
PS. By the way, the recording you are going to hear was recorded earlier in the week before the rest of everything took place so bear with any of the content, it is just the order in which these things happened.
Lord: My child be at peace, it is your Lord and God and Father along with my son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. My child you have been picked for a great mission and purpose; to help my children to become free and live who they are just like you. I have handpicked every part of your life for this purpose, not one thing involved in your life is a mistake or has happened by chance. Everything is as it should be. My son, I want you to tell all of my children that the same (and more) can and will happen for them if they would just follow the path you have walked; not the detail by detail repetition, but the acts of abandonment and self-denial placing all of your trust in me to take care of everything. These are the steps needed to reach your destination here with me my children. All of you can do this, no one is incapable of making these decisions. This is where your ministry (My ministry) comes in. You are to help them discover what may be hindering them so that they too can use the tools I have given and taught you. The same power to give and to receive from me is within them. My children follow what my disciple MatthewSix is giving you and use it to unlock the chains that are holding you back. For many of you this is your own doing brought on by the repeated negativity you have let spew from your own mouths and by doing so you have invited the evil one in to your lives. I don’t want to see this happen to any of you. My son died for all of you and I love you all with such a generous and forgiving heart that I wish none of you to suffer. For some of you what you suffer has little to do with you, but the rights to you are just the same. Either way my children you can break free of all of this and live the life I intended you to live. Just follow what you are told by my little prophet for I taught him so that you may receive. He has also had to live through many things such as trials and tribulations of his own so that he could understand in a very experiential way what he is talking to you about. His road has not been an easy one, but it has been blessed and now I call him to share it with you so that you can receive the same level of blessing I bring upon him. All of the issues many of you have and are upset or overwhelmed by, I take care of for him because that is who I am. You just have to completely surrender yourselves to me so that I can act. Give me permission and watch the impossible become possible; again my little prophet is a perfect example of that for you. Remember I know what you need before you even ask me and I have already prepared a way for those who have given themselves over to me in this way. Yes my children, I love you all so very much and I want to give you everything your heart’s desire if it be in my holy will for you. Please listen, follow and then apply what you learn and I will do the rest. This message was a surprise even to my disciple as he asked me what he could be doing to help complete or fulfill his mission here? This is my answer to him and to you. Do as I say and the rest will be taken care of. That is all my son, now go and share the message I have given to you today. Many of your brothers and sisters are waiting on my words. I love you my son, amen.