✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Hello my brothers and sisters, I hope you’re all having a blessed day!
I was not planning on posting about Covid whatsoever, when I spent time in prayer today asking our Lord what He wanted me to write about and share? Then I realized that an avid viewer and listener to this blog had written me on the very same topic and I came across this message almost simultaneously.
I am going to start by telling you that I know this is a very sensitive subject, especially for those of whom have lost a loved one to this virus. I do not mean to offend anyone and my prayers are with you and your family for anything to anyone is going through due to it. I am simply trying to be obedient as always in sharing what God gives me for you. I also in this instance have personal experience, as it was my journey in my time with the virus that He is referring to. You will notice that He mentions the “doctors” and the “medicines”. Please do not confuse that with a “vaccine”; He was not referring to a vaccine but instead He was referring to good hydration and the I.V. treatments I had to receive. So please bear with me as I share the message I received and do the best you can regardless of your political belief systems to listen to the points that God is making on this; His point is clear.. He is our answer. I pray the Holy Spirit enlightens you and inspires you with His word. Until next time my brothers and sisters, God bless!
PS. I will be recording a SoundCloud file to explain some of my experience with this… stay tuned.
Lord: Yes my son, write this down.
It is I your Lord and God and Savior Jesus. My child you have just been through a devastating illness; one that left you completely hopeless in your physical state of being. But I was there with you the entire time – I never left your side, not for one moment. My child in your total lack of dependency on yourself or even on mankind to help you, who did you call out to? Yes my child it was to me. Even when the darkness appeared so very dark, even when you thought you wouldn’t take another breath here, you cried out to me. I heard you and answered you through the doctors I sent you to and the medicines they provided, but I especially answered you in the midst of your physical despair. This is where by you calling out to me and asking that I rebuke the illness and fever, that you took my yoke upon you and my burden instead of yours. This is where you got the strength and energy to get up and get going. Even though you may have thought it was your last day, I knew the truth and I knew and know all that you have left here to do before that day you will be joining me in paradise. All you have to do is complete the work I have for you first. My child do not be afraid of the evil one or of any of his attacks, for I have defeated anything he could throw at you; this illness should be a prime example of this. Tell all of my children what you have been through and to repeat what you have done in calling out to me. They are not in charge and are not capable of taking care of things as I will do for all of you. Take upon you my yoke and learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart and my yoke is easy and my burden light. That is all my son, now go and share what you have learned from this with your brethren, they are once again waiting on my words. I love you my son, amen.