✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Posting: December 27, 2021
Hello my brothers and sisters, as usual I pray this finds you well. Let me start by saying Merry CHRISTmas!!!
I would have had this to you earlier but as usual when I have a great message to share with you, my electronics go berserk; so it was with this one last Thursday when I started this and attempted to post before going away for a few days. My entire message was prevented from posting and my microphone stopped working and kept typing the wrong words when it did. This means we are onto something threatening to the enemy my friends, so please pay attention to the message I received in adoration very carefully. I don’t know why but it seems our Lord’s direction for me has been to share with you His desire for our healing vs other content that He has shared through this platform before such as prophecy regarding our times etc. I do not to prophetically claim why that is, other than I can feel a side of our loving Father who wants His children free of the “unnecessary” pain of life when He knows that we get enough to handle without the past interfering. It kind of reminds me of Matthew 6: 25-34 because Jesus said that today had enough of its own evil or problems. I guess we don’t need to be creating more or carrying into today “yesterdays” problems and that may be what He is trying to help us resolve. This is definitely bigger than I am brothers and sisters and I hope I am helping in cooperating on my small part in this need. Please read the message and meditate on it over and over again. Please know one more thing; I am not complaining (because it wouldn’t do me any good anyway – just ask Job), but I want you to know why I am away from this for what sometimes may seem like a long delay in my posting. It is because just like Paul, much of what I share with you comes from God teaching me through not just listening, but what He calls “experiential understanding”. What this means in a nut shell is I get to travel through and experience exactly what I am teaching you about including the suffering so that He makes sure I understand it from your shoes the best I can. Believe me it is not fun and probably one of the parts of this job I like the least, but it does do what He intended it to do. There is nothing I share with you I do not go through myself. This process however does take some time to go through so I ask of you to be patient with me as I perform the task He has given me. Thank you my brothers and sisters in advance for your patience in this mission. God bless!
By the way I just received a text as I was typing this which happened to be a prayer and I think I am going to post it here after the message. I believe God wanted us to see and pray this.
Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My son all is well, just like it was for the apostles and disciples of my son. Do you know how much better they would have done if they just quieted down and trusted me that all was well? I your Lord and God have all things in my hands at all times; all I desire from you is to continue to say your “yes” to me about everything. This is all you must do and then wait for my answer before you do anything else. This is the law at work and it is how things operate. Through calm and trust I can work my miracles in your lives. Be patient and let me act my children, for too many of you are pursuing your own goals based upon your broken belief systems which are faulty and racked with pain. It is where you operate from when you react and defend yourselves like you do. This is unnecessary. Only one can be in charge. Which one do you want handling your problems? Me or you? I am perfect, you are flawed in your thinking and your actions that have come from those thoughts. I ask you again, who do you want solving your problems and providing miraculous solutions to them? Your job is to just give them to me and walk away smiling, knowing I have this covered. Sounds so easy doesn’t it? That is because it is. The only thing stopping you is “you”. Your past pains and experiences have caused you to not trust anyone (in many cases) – including me. This is why you all need my healing, you’re all wounded and see things only through your own eyes. You will never solve your problems better than I can do. You or your ego will never create an answer that benefits so many at one time. Although you may choose one that causes just as much if not more pain. I do not have that effect, I am love and peace and everything that is good. You are fallen and on your own you are capable of much destruction due to where you make your decisions from. My servant Job had to learn the same thing. He had to realize how wrong his thinking was and I had to allow him to be brought low enough for him to discover it. Are you greater than he? Oh you of such pride. Can you not see what you are doing to yourself and others? That’s right, you can’t, but I can. So only listen to “my” voice and not your own. I know what needs to be done with each and every one of you to come to this place. Just like my servant Job, I love you enough to let it happen. That is all my son, now go and give this word; many, many have been waiting for it. I love you my son, amen.
The prayer I received in text while writing this. Can’t hurt to pray it and it came at a good time for me! Notice the part where it says to give us a double portion of “Your Mind” to take back all the devil has stolen. Once again a reference to our “minds/thoughts” and what a powerful arena that is for the devil to play in. I searched days ago for any unbiased scripture references as to where God asks us to pray for intelligence of the mind and I was surprised I think I found just the opposite. The link to that page is below; discern for yourself what the scriptures are trying to teach us.
The prayer text I spoke of is the following:
It is titled “One minute of powerful prayer” exactly as it appeared on my text. Thank you sister for sending this…
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, bless me as I read this prayer. Specially bless the person who sent it to me. Over the spiritual doors in our life on this day. Save and release! Give us a double portion of your mind to take back all that the devil has stolen.
Emotional health, physical health, finances.
Relationships, children, employment, housing, marriage.
I cancel every conspiracy, every plan and strategy that the enemy has put in place against us, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
And I declare that…
Any weapon forged against us will be zero and without effect.
I declare life in every situation dead and I think you, father, because nothing is over until you have said it is over! Consequently, I prophetically declare in our lives and situations that…
Our families are blessed;
Our health is blessed;
Our marriages are blessed;
Our finances are blessed;
Our business is blessed;
Our jobs are blessed;
Our children are blessed;
Our little children are blessed;
Our parents are blessed;
Our family members are blessed;
Our ministries are blessed;
Our decisions are blessed;
Our debts are paid and canceled;
The desires of our hearts are on the way according to your perfect will and your plans for our lives.
In the name of Jesus Christ! Amen!
By the way if you made it this far good for you! I just wanted you all to know more work on the “Principles” and the “Cycle that must be broken” is coming soon!