✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Posting Date: November 2, 2021
Hello brothers and sisters I hope as always you are doing well!
I must tell you how humbled and blown away I am by the fact that God exists outside of time. I love when He comes into our life and proves to us that He was there earlier teaching and healing us, we just didn’t recognize it at the time. To me, it is full of so much “hope” that He can do that. This piggybacks if you will the fact that He can access time anywhere in our past and heal it accordingly based on what we asked of Him. This is truly the expression of an awesome and loving God and shows us that even if we have messed up our past, or even possibly inherited one that was detrimental to us – God can and will heal it to allow us to be who He created us to be and to live in peace while we bear our cross. As I reviewed the writings today to see what He wanted me to share, this appears to be exactly what He did to me. I viewed a message that although received in August, I did not yet fully understand what it meant. I also found it very interesting that He asked me not to share it until I was told to do so; then after releasing the last three videos based on the power and implication of our “thoughts”, that He had me land on this and post it now – now that there “is” understanding as to what this means. Please pay close attention to what Jesus says about the type of healing that this is vs. a physical one; this kind takes “effort”. This is something I referenced in the videos about how to keep our house clean and filled. He says we must “receive” it for it to take full effect, even though He already sent it, it must still be “received” by us to take root. That is our part and our responsibility in this fight.
Brothers and sisters I know that I did an unprecedented thing by using this blog to promote those three videos recently, but the fact that my discernment told me how important this was to God and the emails and feedback I have received from you, have shown me by their own proof how powerful our “thoughts” are and how important it is that we start to get a hold of them and take them captive to Christ – they play such a critical role I never knew before. I have been doing this religiously every day and it is one of the most amazing feelings I’ve ever had; I “literally think differently” now. I pray that you are able to do the same, in fact I know you are! It is simply a matter of free will.
Listen to a message that I received in August of this year; please note that I am removing one line that is personal to me but it does not affect the message in any way. Listen to how our loving savior was telling us how important the “renewing of the mind” actually was and how He instructed us about our “thoughts” before those videos and my day with “Stan” ever came to be and CERTAINLY before I understood what this all meant. He says in the end, “change your thoughts and you change your heart”; this means that once again as we have now learned, this all begins in the “thoughts”. I pray this helps make sense of things for you and that you feel competent in applying this to your own life. Let’s all be on a mission together to take back our rights and regain everything the God wants for us. Until next time, God bless brothers and sisters and remember… take every thought captive to Christ!
Message Date: August 6, 2021
Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Savior Jesus. My son I know your heart aches for what you are going through, I feel your pain just as you do. I did not bring you here to experience this, this is the fight of the evil one for your souls (line removed due to personal nature of comment). My son the process of the “renewal of the mind” takes effort. I can heal you, but then you have to put into practice what I sent. This is different from a physical healing because it involves so much of your will and desire to be changed from the way you think, act and feel now to a new way possibly radically different from what you have been used to, or more importantly “believed” to be true. Keep in mind this is no more difficult for me, but only for you. My son this type of healing can be permanent but your will must align with the healing. If it does, then a newness takes place inside of you and the old you passes away. This is a repetitious state of thought that you must practice until the healing has been received in full. Please understand I have heard every prayer and answered each one, but I cannot force someone to accept what I have done – this is up to them. By their faith they are healed. Continue praying that my healing will be accepted and that a new way of thought shall overtake the old. This will bring about the new heart of flesh you have prayed for. This is the way it works; change your thoughts and you change your heart. This is my desire for you. You may share this message when I make an opportunity to do so, until then do not. That is all my son, now go in peace continuing to pray for this outcome. I love you my son, amen.