✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Hello brothers and sisters, I hope you all doing well
This morning I sat in meditation for hours and I received much wisdom. I am always grateful when that happens, as it opens my eyes and my heart and my understanding as to who God is and what He seems to care about the most. He is always trying to teach us, He is always informing us of things that matter. Thank you Lord for doing that!
So my brothers and sisters even as I sat myself today reviewing my own messages on YouTube under a title of “Light of Mary” which one of you readers has informed me about. I was astonished to see that these messages mean so much to people and that someone even took it upon themselves to start broadcasting to more brothers and sisters than I had an ability to reach. Thank you “Light of Mary” for taking on the responsibility of that call. Every once in a while I get to broadcast some good news and I feel elated to do so. Today is one of those days. As I sat praying this morning into the early afternoon asking God what He wanted me to share today I was led to this message that I’m giving you now from June of 2020; once again He is outside of “time”. But in this message, God says to us that He is coming back to reclaim His people and this world once again. In my opinion… It’s about time! Only kidding, His timing is perfect. So please brothers and sisters read on and hear what our Father Has to say to us regarding the times that we live in. I will talk to you soon brothers and sisters, until then God bless!
June 9, 2020
Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My son I have started to reclaim my people and this world once again. This is the reason for the escalation of violence that has taken over your country. A country blessed by me and chosen among all of them to protect the truth and to be a teacher to anyone who would listen. The evil one is behind all of the violence. He has stirred up a rebellious people to cause harm and to mitigate the good messages my children are trying to convey. My son the world has a decision to make; does it want to choose me and bring peace to society or do they wish to choose revenge and hatred for one another? The choice is theirs, but either way there is a determined time for me to reclaim all that is mine. That time is upon you, do not be surprised at what you see for the evil one is fighting with all that he can to stop my plan. At this time I am once again blowing my spirit across the world to wake up mankind and for them to feel a need to repent for their sins and to change their lives. Once again the choice is up to them. I placed before you life and death my children; to whatever you reach I will give to you, even if that means I give you up to the desires of the flesh for your last chance at salvation. My child tell my children that my Son Jesus stands as mediator between the judge and that they need to call on Him for His forgiveness and His mercy. That is all my son, now go and get some sleep. I love you, amen.
By the way as promised in the last message, here is an audio file on my comments about it as well as an audio clip for today’s message.