Message from Our Lord

By MatthewSix25to34

January 22, 2025

Originally Posted By:

My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. All is well my son, you are just going through growing pains as I ask you to die to self once again. The only way for me to increase is by you decreasing. You have to step down so that the Holy Spirit can step up. This is done by denying yourself and trusting more that your God has you in the palm of His hand and He will let no harm come to you that would be  detrimental to your faith and growth in the spirit. I may allow what appears to be “harm” in your perception, when in reality it was needed for your own good. This may come via loss, possibly of friends or things you were accustomed to. Things that made up the “normal” as you know it in your life. But these things are necessary for you to be able to grow and become who I made you to be. This goes for all of my children. If you are going through a difficult time, ask me my children – it may be a test sent by me to increase what you lack. Either way come to me so I can shed light on what you should do. This is one of the reasons I left the last message up so long on your ministry blog. My children you must decide to trust and to allow me to handle everything for you. Total surrender is giving me absolute power. You decide my children, do you want me or you to solve your problems? Who can do a better job? I wait for you so that I can take charge. That is all my child, now go in peace and share the word I gave you. I love you my son, amen.


Hello my Brothers and Sisters, it has been a while (but wait – there’s more, message at the end)…

Since 2009 – although my experiences with God began in 1995, I have Always written this blog as nothing other than a place to put a message I received and my two cents that went with it. I never really thought anything mattered other than the message, but this is something God has shown me is not the case with Him. As I walked my path the last several years, I consistently asked Him what He wanted me to do? Every time I asked this question He always replied with the same answer, “the story is the job”. Now this was a little confusing because I had no understanding of what it truly meant. However, after many years and many, many prayers, it appears He wants me to share the story of the walk and what it has been like to say “yes” to Him. I asked Him why my story would matter, and He told me that this was part of the mission. He wanted an example for others to see of someone in the world today who walks and talks with Him and is just an everyday person so that they could find Him in their own life and communicate the same way. He said I have brothers and sisters struggling out there who want to see that even one of His own, chosen as they may be, are going through the very same struggles. I can attest to you brothers and sisters as His disciple, every yes has come with a massive test, and of course a reward at the end, as it will for all of us. I guess He thinks the story of that struggle is important too. Important enough for me to somewhat change the format of this blog after so many years and to use it as a testimony not only of his message but also for a testimony of the walk that He has chosen to allow or send in order to get here.

So, I will keep this short and vow to you that although I do not know what I’m doing, I will do the best I can to share with you what He wants you to hear and to describe to you the process of each challenge. I will end it right now with, this brothers and sisters, I always wrote the message to you I received, and I had my own resolution to discuss with you in what I call, the black writing. The red writing always has been and always will be Him! This time what made this so strange for me is that I don’t have a resolution, I am currently walking through it and all I can do is share with you the aspects and the struggles of the test. I guess we can see the resolution together as it happens. But maybe that is the point of this whole part. To see Him in this world active and alive helping to solve our modern day difficulties in a world that has seemed to rely on the intellect and ego. I guess we will see.

I truly hope this ends up helping someone as we go, as I did not see the value in it or my story. I figured that no one would care, and they have their own busy lives to contend with. And more than that, it may not come with a message that people so earnestly seek to hear from Him. I pray that the intention of this work is brought to fruition and the purpose of it fulfills what He wants. So please bear with me brothers and sisters as you always have, as I start down this new path sharing both the messages and the journey. I wish you all well and I will be back soon to start discussing this. I have much prayer to do. Please pray for me as I continue to pray for you.

Note: I also think it’s very important that I tell you that I have asked God many times over these years about putting up a new message since the last one I posted was several years ago. Each time I asked Him He told me to leave it as it was. When I asked Him why, He said because of how important that particular message was. He said it was one of the most important things for us to know in this day and age, that we are trying to take our problems and solve them either without Him or without waiting for Him; He again mentions it in the message I received below regarding this. He said many of his children were suffering needlessly because of it and that He didn’t want that for us. He said He had enough testing and trials for us without adding in the unnecessary ones we refused to give Him or that we created on our own. He will use ALL for our good, but as a loving Father, He does not want to see any of kids suffer more than they are called to do for His purposes. I think that is a very important message for us to meditate on and to try and see where we may be getting in the way as well. More to come soon……. God bless brothers and sisters!
