There is not much time left before escalation

By Melanie

June 26, 2024

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Message #135

The Blessed Virgin Mary appears to Melanie, the seer.

Mary looks very lovely. She radiates a beautiful tenderness and tender love. Her charisma can hardly be put into words - perfect purity, modesty and tenderness. Her heart radiates perfect purity and devotion.

Mary allows people to know that she has given everything of herself: her wishes, plans and her own ideas. 

Her complete devotion and boundless trust in God make her so pure. She is without any evil thoughts, without blemish.

On the one hand, she looks like a very young woman and at the same time she is very powerful. She has only become so mighty through her devotion. This power is an empowerment, an entrustment to her that she didn't ask for. She would never have claimed it for herself because she is very humble.

This grace and ability are a gift to her which only make her a queen because she is completely pure in her intentions. 

She has given her life to God. She has given God room for His Will, His work, His light and His presence to take effect in her. 

A vision of a mountain range begins which is covered by water beyond the top. This means that the earth will be covered by water in the future. The seer sees herself swimming in large, calm waters and a small island in the distance. 

The stars of the night sky are reflected in the water. There is complete peace, but there are no other people to be seen, nor any birds or aquatic animals.

The focus goes to the stars and there are planetary movements in the sky, a different kind of constellation. 

It looks as if the planets are in a different position - like on a string of pearls at a slight angle to the top right.

It looks as if the earth is at a different angle to other planets. It seems to indicate a certain age with a different planetary position. 
The earth will be under water at this time. This peaceful yet lonely sight ends here.

The vision switches back to Our Lady and she asks all people to unite in peace, in all countries, in all languages. It is about unity and peace. 

She gives the prayer group an intensive prayer assignment. The focus should be on peace. She explains that the prayers are necessary because: "People are not aware of the danger they are facing. There is not much time left before escalation."

Here is the week-long prayer and fasting assignment in detail:

She asks for two hours of prayer every day for a week.

During this prayer time, four rosaries and five prayers for peace are to be prayed. 

The choice of prayers for peace, their length and language are optional.

No additional prayers or reflections are necessary.

The petition prayers which can be said by anyone can be kept simple. She further explains that she is present at all times and hears everything we think and say and therefore the prayer of petition can be simple:

"We thank you, Mary, for accepting our prayers for peace. We thank you for peace. Amen."

As a prayer assignment, Mary asks us to fast this week. 

This means giving up something every day that is difficult for us, such as luxury foods, meat, sugar, sweets or alcohol. 

It should be a noticeable renunciation.

It would be best to fast at least light food such as bread, fruit, vegetables and salad or, if you can, bread and water.

Mary knows that a lot is required, but she asks for prayers due to the urgency (of the world situation) and thanks us for our cooperation and devotion.

The call to prayer will be published very soon.

"Stay in my peace, child.
Bring peace. Speak with a divine voice.
Abide in humility.
Abide in my immaculate heart.
Let me wet you with the blood of my Son.
Follow my guidance with trust."

The seer is asked to let herself fall completely into the process and obediently follow every step that is shown to her. 

She is told that she has earned the honor of being sprinkled.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praised be Jesus Christ for ever and ever. Amen