Global Warfronts

By Melanie

May 31, 2024

Originally Posted By:

Message #125

Note from Webmaster:
The following message mentions another visionary, Gisella Cardia.  This leaves me with a problematic issue since her bishop had decided Giselle is not receiving messages from Heaven.  I don't know if she had been officially condemned by the church or just discarded as "not real".  Personally I felt that Giselle's investigators had already had their decision before did any investigating and just wanted to show they did "something" before deciding, but that's just my opinion.  The problem though is when visionary's approve of someone the church does not.  Should we listen to the visionary?  Or should we listen to the church during a time when it seems many bishops are trying to discredit any and all visionaries.  I will leave it up to you as the reader to pray and discern, and I will do the same.  God bless.  -Jim

Even before the vision begins, the seer feels a great sadness and cannot determine the cause. Jesus begins to convey a vision. The first image is an atomic bomb explosion in the USA. A kind of radiation in bright, unnatural-looking colors spreads over the USA. It looks like nuclear radiation. The seer sees fighter jets flying over the country.

A new image then appears - the Statue of Liberty in New York. Likewise, the glow of strangely bright colors in the background accompanied by the sound of aircraft engines can be seen. A large number of jets are also flying over the Statue of Liberty in the background. They are flying to the midlands from New York.

The seer hears the sound of like an air-raid siren and again from a different perspective, bombs are being dropped over America further inland towards the north. These bombs also emit  nuclear radiation after they hit the earth.

At first, there is a bomb whose origin appears to be Russian. This single drop is followed by images of several atomic bombs falling one after the other, as if in a row. This second drop of bombs is coming from Korea at a significant time interval (at least years).

Then Jesus shows an image of himself hanging on the cross. His body crumbles to dust and the dust particles scatter in the wind until Jesus can no longer be seen on the cross. At this sight, it appears that Jesus and Christian values are being disregarded or that his sacrifice was in vain.

Jesus then explains that the prospects of these serious nuclear attacks on America are the consequences of their warmongering or that it is to be expected if America continues to act as a warmonger.

Jesus now announces that it will be even sadder. The seer sees New York in ruins. She walks through the streets and it is just a bombed-out city, all gray. Nothing of the colorful and lively hustle and bustle that prevails there today where life pulsates.

Jesus now moved to Rome. As in an earlier vision, tanks are seen in Rome. It is to be understood as an indication that war will reign in Rome.

Jesus showed His Holy Mother Mary in the vision and predicted that Mary would appear on a blue cross in Rome during the war. 
The seer wonders whether such a blue cross even exists in Rome. Jesus explains that this blue cross belongs to the visionary Gisella Cardia and that they are connected.

Jesus indicates that Gisella Cardia will be led through the streets of Rome by His Holy mother during the time of war. On secret routes she would guide her, as if invisible, through the battles raging in the city and would thus lead the people to safety.

With Mary's help people would be invisible. Those who gather at this blue cross in war.

Jesus also predicted that there would be bombing raids in Rome and that parts of Rome would be destroyed in the war. He now warns the seer that he will show even more impressive images in the following and says to her: "Trust me."

He showed the seer a tank shell and it was about the city of Tehran. Tehran would experience a massive bombardment and be shot at from all directions. Many white houses that appear in the vision are destroyed.

Next, the seer saw a picture of a group of different species of bears. They were bears in different professional outfits such as pilots or sailors. The skins had different colors and textures. Some had different insignia depicting their military rank. Some of them had very high ranks which could be recognized by many badges. The bears had banded together and they operated under a kind of hierarchy. Among others, there was a brown bear and a panda. The panda ate bamboo which was reminiscent of China. This indicated that Russia would ally itself with China.

Jesus then showed a picture of the globe in which large sources of fire were spread out everywhere. The globe could be seen from space, from a great distance. Despite the distance, the fires were as big as countries. In other words, they were very large conflicts.

Again, Jesus changed the picture and showed Düsseldorf in Germany under fire and bombs falling in Düsseldorf. He said that these were the consequences of warmongering in Germany.

The seer asked whether this could be stopped? Jesus replied: "The politicians must change their minds immediately." 
The seer asked: "But how? How can they change their minds? How will they change their minds? How can we make them change their minds?"

Jesus made various suggestions and said: "Prayers, demonstrations, connecting prayer groups, prayers for peace for Germany, write to Manuela from Sievernich. Offer peace meditations for six weeks."

Jesus said: "Unite the opposites, child. Unite where there is division. I will guide you."

Finally, Jesus said: "Find peace in me, child, I am your protection. Ask me and I will be there."

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.