✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Mary has appeared during the prayer group. She is carrying the baby Jesus on her arm and in her other hand she is holding a kind of golden sceptre.
A vision begins and suddenly the seer finds herself on a battlefield. It looks gray and desolate. She kneels there and there is nothing around her, just fallen soldiers on the battlefield. The scene seems to take place in the Middle East. On closer inspection, flat hills around desert sand become visible. A little further away is a small village. One can see tanks, troops, running soldiers dressed in pale colors. A large rocket flies past like a great ball of fire. There seems to have been a great loss of life in this battle. It is a sight to weep for. Great sadness and deep compassion run through the seer.
Suddenly, a star over Bethlehem becomes visible. It is very beautiful. It is the place where Jesus was born. The star has a tail and shines over the house where Jesus was born. It looked poor, but was filled with so much joy and a holy atmosphere. There is so much love in the air. A donkey can be seen with the straw on the floor and the baby Jesus in the manger. It is a beautiful day full of joy.
A time leap of 2000 years brings the seer back to the present - for fractions of a second to Jerusalem. Mary wants to remind us that Jesus also came from the Middle East and that it is particularly sad for Him that war is raging there.
A particularly strong power emanates from Mary today. She seems to want to emphasize this. She shows her face and her eyes are filled with tears. She says that this war cannot be avoided if people continue like this and do not turn back. Mary's eyes are big and full of tears as if it would tear her heart apart. It is almost unbearable.
She says: “Child, pass it on. Warn your brothers and sisters. Warn them about the horrors of war. Warn them that it will soon break out, the [great] death of the innocent.”
It feels like a great horror is approaching. It's like a sandstorm, not a tornado. It looks like sand moving like a wave of water. The sand wave rears up. A very unpleasant darkness can be felt inside it. The sand wave continues to rise, getting bigger and blacker inside as it approaches the seer. It is terrifying. This wave represents a great threat that is rising up to bury everything beneath it. It is not only gaining height, but also taking up more and more space in width. This disaster is widespread. Mary points out that this threat to the sand wave is also getting closer in time. Military helicopters keep shooting into the picture. Mary warns: “The storm from the Middle East is on your doorstep.” The storm will soon break loose, she warns urgently.
The image of the shooting military helicopters is repeated over and over again and Mary stands next to it with teary eyes. It seems to be a very special event. Our Lady makes it clear that it is only a small step to the next stage of escalation in this war. In terms of meaning, as they say in the vernacular, “shortly before 12 o'clock”. Mary seems to be trembling - an image that something frightening is imminent. A further escalation.
The war interdependencies between countries are expanding. Networks of state associations already exist, but these coalitions of the warring parties which have already been formed in the background are now becoming clearly visible. The next step in this war is the expansion of the links between the countries. They are being brought together. There is a connection between Russia and North Korea.
The significance of this image is that the warring parties will soon clash. We are on the threshold of the Third World War.
When Mary is asked to let this cross pass before humanity, she responds with a very sad look: “This is just the beginning.”
Next, there is a large attack on a building that cannot be specifically identified. It is a specific attack that results in a large explosion from a bomb. Mary is still standing next to it with tears in her eyes.
The bald eagle swoops down into the picture from the sky and drops a bomb over the significant building in question. A mosque comes to the seer's mind and the aggressive call of a muezzin is heard in response to the building. This event will have serious consequences. The seer hears the name of a mosque. The name begins with an “Al-...”
"Pray, my children, pray. Pray for peace. Continue your prayers. "
The prayer group is instructed to extend the prayer time to 75 minutes a day to pray for peace in the Middle East and for the postponement and/or mitigation of the war.
“Pray for the peace of the world. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for your trust. Thank you for your trust in my visionary.
Be there for one another, my children. Strengthen your faith, do good to one another, spread peace in word and deed, the peace of my Son Jesus Christ. Call me and I will be there. Call Him and He will be there.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”