A King of all Kingdoms

By Melanie

September 17, 2024

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Message #150 from Jesus

In the car on the way back from Sievernich (this day was the renewal of the consecration to St Michael the Archangel), the visionary Melanie sees the image of a huge lightning strike in the sky. It feels like a righteous wrath that will come upon people and all nations. Jesus then appears before her inner eyes in an infinitely tall figure in the sky - with his feet on the ground and his head reaching up into the clouds. He walks towards the people in a warning figure, surrounded by lightning. He wants people to know that He will come to us in His glory. Then His righteous wrath will reign.

Jesus raises His hand and says:

 “I come to judge the living and the dead. I am the Lord.”

He explains that He will judge sins and lists some of them: turning away from faith and from God, licentiousness, intemperance, the decline in values.

People will shiver and tremble and beg Him for forgiveness because of their deeds and sins, He predicts.

But those who have not found the right path (to Him) during their lifetime will find it difficult, He warns.

For there is a point at which He will no longer allow mercy to prevail.

Jesus now pleads with people and warns them, He calls on them to return to Him. To turn away from polytheism, from abortion, from the sins that people commit against each other, e.g. murder through greed, theft through greed.

Jesus says: “There are things that are to be condemned. There are things that do not conform to life and the laws of life and certainly not to the laws of the Church.”

There are grave sins, He says. There are sins that weigh particularly heavily and weigh heavily on the world. These are also the reasons why nature turns against people such as natural disasters (floods or hurricanes, for example). Everything has a consequence. 

Our human actions have consequences, however little we may sometimes realize this. Everything has an effect on everyone and everything works collectively. Nothing is lost. Nothing good is lost, but nothing bad is lost either, He explains.

There are things that need to be corrected. People who commit sins must ask for forgiveness themselves. They must want to make amends, turn to Jesus, go to confession and do penance. They should strive to make amends. 

If they do not do this, these sins remain in the world and the effects of this also remain in the world. Jesus goes on to say that He is love and mercy. But He cannot tolerate certain things.

Some sins are particularly serious, Jesus explained further. If there are many sinners who do not endeavour to make amends, confess and repent, and if they do not repent for their mistakes and do not feel sorry for their fellow human beings, then all these sins will remain in the world, He said. These serious transgressions remain and this has consequences. 

Some things cannot be left as they are. They require judgement. Just as there is earthly judgement for broken laws, there is also heavenly judgement to restore the necessary order. 

Jesus calls for conversion.

If people do not learn to turn to Him and come to Him, if they do not recognise Him, the time will come when it will be too late. When the Last Judgement comes, it will be too late. Then He will have to judge the living and the dead. 

It is a warning to humanity to confess to Jesus early on because at some point the time will come when it will be too late and He will no longer be able to help despite all His mercy. Some souls will then be lost.

Jesus repeatedly emphasizes the importance of the sacraments. 

“Repent and believe in the Gospel,” Jesus warns, “for if you do not, the consequences will be devastating.”

 At the end of the vision, the visionary hears the verse of a German Christmas carol within her.

First verse of the song “Macht hoch die Tür, die Tor macht weit”:

“Open wide the door, open wide the gate;

the Lord of glory is coming,

King of all kingdoms,

Savior of all the earth at once,

who brings with Him salvation and blessing; 

therefore rejoice, sing with joy;

Praise be my God,

my Creator is rich in counsel.”

The apparition ends here.