USA and The Middle East

By Melanie

September 23, 2024

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Message #152 from the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Blessed Virgin Mary appears to the seer Melanie.

The vision begins with an image that makes her heart and stomach tighten.

A large, patterned fighter jet, with a tip as pointed and long as a needle, stands on a tarmac. It radiates a frightening menace.

It appears to have a special military mission and may be carrying something special. The seer sees the jet flying towards a large city in the Middle East.

In another picture, tanks, rockets falling from the sky and lots of explosions can be seen. It seems to refer to the already acute situation in the Middle East.

In the next picture, mini busses are being driven by men with full black beards and turbans. They are carrying some kind of handgun that can trigger explosions. The men drive a long way together from a suburb towards the center of a city with high-rise buildings. 
The landscape is characterized by a change of hills. The region is in the Middle East.

A wave, as if after a severe shock caused by an explosion, passes through the seer. It is as if the earth is shaking for a few seconds.

A jet flies over a large city. The military is dropping something over the city.

Mary warns of a great danger from the air that will take many lives. 


Bald eagle in the Middle East

The seer sees a bald eagle grinning maliciously. Screaming, it glides in the sky and holds a bomb in its talons. It seems to be interfering in the action.

The bald eagle's appearance is irritating. Mary looks sad and asks the seer: ‘Look.’ She gets the impression that the USA is supporting one side in this war and supplying it with weapons. This military involvement of the USA leads to an expansion of the fighting and prolongs the war.

This causes great suffering and anxiety for the local civilian population. They will suffer from hunger and water shortages and will be dependent on aid supplies.

Mary shows the seer the people who are trying to hide and hope not to be hit. She sees women with babies who do not have enough baby food.

Aid organizations will be needed to provide medical care. Doctors, nurses and paramedics are needed to care for the wounded. 

The misery of the people is clearly depicted. The fear of not being safe at home. Destroyed houses, constant explosions, bombs dropping.

There is a growing feeling that the war will escalate if the U.S. gets involved. It could be prevented if the U.S. won’t interfere. 

This is a warning to those responsible in the USA.

Mary emphasizes that the U.S. is not (yet) making well thought out or peaceful decisions regarding war. 


Harris against Trump 

In the course of the previous warning, the idea of the future president of the U.S. emerged. As a result, the image of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump appear side by side in the presidential election. They stand on a pile of small tiles. One tile represents one vote and they both rise to the top. It is clear that people are trying to prevent Trump's victory by any means possible.

In the next image, the seer sees Donald Trump being shot in the right leg, approximately at knee height. He kneels down and holds his leg and foot with his face contorted in pain. It seems as if he has stepped into something sharp.

It looks as if the spike through the foot is a sign of Jesus. Trump should not perceive this as something negative, but as a kind of honor. 
It is as if he is being sprinkled with the blood of Jesus.

The vision ends and Mary says goodbye with the words: 

Go in peace.”

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.