✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Mary, the Mother of God, appears to the seer Melanie with a white veil in her dark hair and a white dress with a blue belt. She looks down reverently and depressed but at the same time she radiates something very warm and tender. She looks sad and her heart feels heavy.
The seer suddenly feels a strange sensation in her throat. It feels as if she has a lump in her throat, she coughs and has the oppressive feeling of not being able to breathe. Mary says the following:
“Take care of yourself! It’s going to start soon.”
It is an announcement from Mary, not just a warning.
The seer associates this with a pandemic - with a virus that is transmitted through the air. The seer has to cough again and again and senses what this illness will feel like. Mary warns urgently: “There will be great distress, there will be great affliction.”
Great distress and sorrow will come upon people. They will have to wear masks again. Shortness of breath and pressure on the bronchi and chest can be accompanied by a feeling of suffocation. This disease attacks the respiratory tract very severely and causes great fear in people. This disease will be significantly more dangerous and worse than the pandemic a few years ago.
Mary explains that this disease is being artificially created and that there is a malicious intention behind it. It's terrifying. The danger and effect of this disease are exactly what is intended. Many people want to die from it. The situation will be very threatening. Mary wants us to prepare for this and tells the seer to communicate this.
Mary corrects the time period that the seer had received in the last message about the pandemic that would attack the respiratory tract (see message #138 of July 25, 2024). The seer incorrectly said the years 2026 - 2028
Mary sets the record straight and warns: “It will begin earlier than expected.” Mary gives the seer the feeling that this disease will already break out this year: 2025.
Now another image appears: cows. This means that it is about food and food shortages in Germany. Sometimes there will be nothing to eat but bread. The population must prepare. For example, being able to bake bread.
The disease will occur globally, but the warning is (also) for Germany.
Mary says: “It will come sooner than expected. “It will be a great torment, a great scourge.” It seems like a punishment.
Mary says that it is a kind of punishment for the German people because of their way of life. Let them reconsider their values and their warming. The seer sees the image of a judge with a large hammer in her mind's eye - like a court verdict. Mary warns that God's judgment will come down on Germany like a hammer. It serves to purify and it is a just judgment and also a just punishment.
But she still wants to warn everyone so that each person can prepare. It's going to be bad enough. The punishment and the just judgment will be bad enough. It will affect those who are guilty. It will hit “the right ones,” so to speak.
This is where the apparition ends.