✞ Amusement of Jesus when the soul operates together with Him.
Jesus appears to the visionary Melanie. In inner images, Jesus shows her various stages of the severe abuse that He had to endure.
First, she sees Him standing in front of her. Jesus wears the crown of thorns on His head and large rivulets of blood flow down His face.
A moving sight.
Jesus now shows the visionary Himself and allows her to mentally trace small parts of His suffering. It feels as if she is wearing the crown of thorns on her head. It is as if the blood is flowing down her face. There are bleeding wounds on her hands. Blood is mentally dripping down her whole body. A feeling that leaves one speechless.
She feels Jesus being punched in the face and at the same time she feels the punch on her own face. Someone stands in front of her and punches her in the face. A bruise forms around her eye.
Then Jesus carries the cross on his back and tries to move forward. But he has to kneel down. He collapses under it. It is immensely agonizing to watch. More and more scenes emerge around His suffering. He shows how he was whipped.
The next scene involves America. Jesus again shows New York City with its many people, the skyscrapers, the yellow cabs and the street intersections. At the very end of the street, on the horizon, one can look up at the sky as if through a gap between the skyscrapers.
And there, a small corner of a UFO flashes through the clouds in the sky.
Suddenly, an invisible shock wave sweeps across the wide main street and through the entire city. It's not an earthquake or an explosion.
It is an attack. This type of attack seems to be new and is difficult to describe. People run away in panic.
From the underside of the UFO, a tubular, transparent light shines on the earth, seemingly triggering the attack on New York. This time it can be seen more clearly and in greater detail than in the previous vision, as if from the perspective of a passer-by witnessing all this on the streets of New York.
This is where the apparition ends.