✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Note from the Webmaster:
Although I have been hesitant in regards to posting messages from this visionary (mostly due to the confusion of their website, the visionary(s) and poor translations), but this message seemed urgent enough that I felt I needed to share this with you all. As Always, please pray for discernment before proceeding.
The two 3/23/15 messages below (to the Daughters of the Lamb & to the Daughter of the Divine Will) are requests for Urgent Prayers. Jesus speaks of a calamity to take place, two other messages that speak of this are printed below the 3/23 messages. The Novena Prayers are in links in both English and Spanish and are to begin Palm Sunday and continue for 9 days. Please forward this urgent request to all you know.
03/23/2015 Monday @ Marian Shrine, KY 8:50 am
My daughter I am present with you in My Eucharistic heart, I am Jesus. Today child believe My words, for I wish to speak to you about your work. Now child remember to TRUST, I am with you. Bring peace to yourself by TRUSTING ME FOR ALL THINGS, I WILL PROVIDE.
Today is a day of instruction given to you by My Mother. This will be the beginning of your mission with others for the souls that I will bring you, to unify them in groups for prayer to save man from damnation and utter destruction. You will be praying in groups in the areas that I have designated as Safe Havens - Places of Refuge - Communities of Love for all My children. My Mother will have instructed you on what will transpire with these groups. Prayer - Fasting and Acts of Penance - these acts will mitigate the chastisements to befall man - ALL FOR GOD’S REIGN HERE ON EARTH. My children need Me and I will come for them.
Child I am waiting for souls to come back to Me, for soon you will see this judgment befall man - a place has been designated for this destruction to take place and I will allow it, so man will come back to Me. Pray for the evil men who have plotted against My children in allowing greed and control to conquer and consume their lives. This evil act will take place and man will see Me face to face - the judgment comes as does My Mercy. You will witness this act and all who come to embrace it as it is written, all will be given My Mercy. But first child I am allowing a great act of Mercy, My children good and bad will witness their God and see their sins. They will encounter a great act of purification - man will see themselves before God and will be given a chance to repent and turn away from evil - if they repent and turn to God they will experience My Mercy and the great love I have for them - if not they will be turned away into the darkness for everlasting damnation.
Pray for these souls. I say the time is here. Now is your grace of salvation given at this hour of Mercy. Pray children for Mercy. Prepare and seek My face - the face of Christ. I am sending you to these places for My graces to be given - you will receive your reward for your obedience and faithfulness to Me. I love you. Now go and prepare for much work to be done.
Jesus your Crucified King …†
Mother Mary: My child I am present also, be at peace, remember to TRUST and ask with peace in your heart. I love you. I will send you to these places that I wish for you to go, many of My children do not know the truth they only seek their own truths - man cannot go on unless God’s truth is made known to them. Prepare for the truth is now going to be made known. The hour of redemption is at hand, many of My children would be lost without God’s grace; that is why He is allowing this great gift of grace to come forth for His children - THE WARNING OF MANKIND. A time when all will seem hopeless, but with this great act of grace God will give all hope to His children by this act of Mercy.
If My children will accept they will be protected by My grace and given many graces to survive the coming days. Pray for My children. I love them all. Children it is I your Mother who will take each one of you by the hand to console, embrace and love you - all that My children have to do is embrace My Heart - repent and turn to God. All for the love of God and love of man, for I am with you always.
Mother of Mercy …†
March 23rd, 2015 – Following Holy Mass
Jesus speaks:
My child I am here with you, and with My Mother. She stands beside Me; She is always near Me, never separated. Our wills are one, because the Father ordained it so from the beginning. Now child there is a great task ahead of you. Yes, please pay attention, for these are serious words for serious times are upon you.
Now, I give you My Breath. Write
The events I foretold in earlier messages will come to My children very soon, the “crack in the earth” formed by internal gasses will manifest itself causing a huge shaking and an eruption. It will manifest itself, it’s source in the Great Plains states, and touching other Midwestern states. All will feel this, and all of the world will be affected by the shaking. This crack, rupture, is thought to be caused by natural causes, but in truth it is an atomic reaction, a manipulation orchestrated by government powers. You, My children must be made aware of this. Your only recourse is prayer.
Now, I come to you as a beggar. Pray WITH ME children, pray with Me for an outpouring of My Holy Spirit upon mankind for My Mercy and Kindness upon all those who will suffer greatly due to their sins.
I bring to you My Mother. (Do not hesitate to write all I have foretold)
Blessed Mother speaks:
My little one, I am the Mother of all Graces, there are many graces waiting to be poured forth from My Heart upon all humanity. I await to pour out these graces upon my children like a Mother waiting to give birth to her child, and when She gives birth, What Joy!. She holds the child to her breast and gives it the food of her sweet milk to nourish the child and give it warmth. The two are as one in these most precious moments. I too child am this Mother to all of you. I desire to give this generation a new birth, a new birth from My Womb, an out pouring of graces from My Immaculate Heart into your heart. Children, why are you so hesitant? Go to My Son now and ask forgiveness with a sincere heart and you will feel a release from your soul, and I will outpour a torrent of graces upon you for,
As My Son has foretold, a great shaking will take place and manifest itself in your country. I am come to you with My heart laid bare to beg you.
If you have a heart and a mouth please pray, that is all I ask, pray in simplicity of heart. It matters not who you are, your age, your race, your religion, pray to your creator in heaven for the COFFERS ARE NEAR EMPTY., My plans unaccomplished due to lack of prayer. I desire all My children to begin prayer groups immediately, most preferably in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. If, this is not possible, then please pray in homes. These are EMERGENCY PRAYERS TO SAVE SOULS, TO CRY OUT IN UNISON TO THE Eternal Father for Mercy on all. This daughter of mine has arranged the prayers I desire to be recited. They are placed near these messages.
Please tell as many as possible. Take care My children, to begin these Prayers on Palm Sunday and continue for nine days. Reader, these words are meant for you, for all My messages are for this reason, PRAYER, PENANCE AND REPENTANCE.
Thank you My dearest precious children, I love you all unconditionally. Let us join hearts and ask Mercy from Our Father in Heaven.
Your Mother of All Graces Mother of All Peoples