✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
The following message was given from Our Blessed Mother to José Luis Belmonte in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Although the translation is a bit rough, I felt that the message was important enough that I needed to add it to this site. In particular, he was told of the coming Synod and the great schism that is about to ocure within the Catholic Church, followed by our Pope's exile and death and then the emerging antichrist who will end the daily sacrifice.
As always, please pray for discernment (and understanding) before proceeding.
Message to José Luis Belmonte from Our Blessed Mother:
[Translated by Luciano Gramajo]
Children, my beloved Lord peace always be with you and my maternal love will accompany you always.
Son, in every encounter you have, I ask that you never forget to pray; and always you do you because you know that prayer is the only thing that will keep my children in peace, and much more to their souls, and take that start them to pray and to enter in the true path of light and love. I also always ask that you never fail to pray for your beloved Pope Francisco, my beloved son, and by the Cardinals; and at this time coming much more in this great event that will have for reforms they will bring, that they intend to carry forward in my beloved Church, are provided and are subject to THE WILL OF GOD THE FATHER, my beloved Lord.
My son, you know that the schism comes closer, as also you know well that in these moments, and with immense pain in my Mother's Heart, I have said to you that the Cardinals are divided, and it hurts that to our Hearts, and inside the Holy See today they find you in many discussions and regrettably one does not speak already in these days, ideas want to be imposed without being discussed and an immense chaos is forming, and I feel great sorrow for this. For this motive today I want to ask you more than never with your support, with prayers to accompany your dear Pope Francisco in these moments that will be decisive and of immense change for the good of my dear Church and for a world that finds isolated from her. I know of your love for him and that you continue each of his words, of your brotherhood with him from the hearts and of your entire obedience. For it, I ask you whatever happens to never leave it alone, my son, ask you not to leave it, he is the Shepherd who was chosen to direct the destination of my Church, and I, your Mother, I am proud and immensely happy because I love his humility, his total obedience and their delivery to all their flocks in the world because it makes no distinction and let him guide and carry hand thus driving the great flock towards the great meeting with my beloved son JESUS. The son is who in this moment finds often alone, without the support of those who have to follow him and accompany him, but equal he shepherds after the Herd of my Son in these times of so many confusion and apostasy. Son, you feel in your heart an immense pain because you know very well that this Papacy does not have to last a lot of time. For it, son, I you ask you and you to walk along any place taking my order to each of my children, your brothers and sisters, so that also they deliver you to the prayer for your dear Pope Francisco, so that it could expire with the mission to prepare and to strengthen my dear Church and to make to understand to all those that they find you putting stones in the footpath that are her real Shepherds again and that return to the footpath of the love, the compassion and the peace, because today more that I never call you to the unit of all my creatures, of all my sons and daughters along with all the Shepherds and Sons and daughters favorites so that in the unit, and along with the Celestial Militias, be able to endure the terrible attacks that will be submitted by my adversary and its agents of evil at the time of the Great Tribulation.
My son, is foreign neither to you nor to any of my sons and daughters that I have chosen in the world my messages delivered to you that very quickly the lawlessness has to go against Rome and you will see then that the catholic world will be divided. For it, I ask you to form Cenacles in any place, that you meet your brothers and go out after all prepared kids take the Word to any place of the Earth so that thus you are; you have to say to yourselves and make you understand that you must remain in entire unit and in the faith because you are brought over by a spiritual hecatomb that each of the foundations has to move of the Church and is there that I say to you with Mother's immense pain of all of you and of my dear Church that it will take you to many to lose the faith. What I say to you have full safety that I know that it is quite planned by those that belong to the darkness and they will be those who have to betray my Son. For it, I say to you that the Calvary of the Church is very close and that many of my Favorite ones who yesterday pledged allegiance and allegiance to the Gospel and to the Doctrine of the Church will be seen by you that tomorrow they will do like Judas, they will deliver it in hands of the savages, of those that find you being employed at the darkness and are loyal to the exiled angel.
You know the pain I feel in my Immaculate Heart to see the betrayal that again will suffer by some who claim to be faithful to it and that are within my walls. I can't understand how you enthralled with deception and with their appetites of power and therefore in a short period of time the world will see within the Vatican an immense confusion and an immense chaos and you'll see that the blood of my beloved, my sons and daughters totally faithful, have been running around the sacred enclosure and my beloved Son, Francis will be asked to leave; and you will see him flee in the middle of corpses and will end by giving their lives for the faith and the strengthening of the Church. Then you'll see all that those who betray you to my abode, my Church, your Church, the barbarians, have to choose a new Pope; I ask you not follow, not to come to meeting and become stronger to attack with all your forces because he will be Anti Christ, who will do everything so that you continue neither the Doctrine of the Church nor the Gospel of my Son, everything opposite, will go against everything and will chase to my dear Church coming up to closing the Temples and will suspend the Holy Sacrifice; and it is there when the Houses of my Father will be profaned then and the time of the Big Abomination has to begin.
Then, for this reason, today I ask you to join many of your brothers and sisters and you prepare each of them because your faith will be put fully to the test and will be passed one by one for the oven of the tribulation, the persecutions and the apostasy; and the name of my son and mine will be untainted, his Holy Word trampled and desecrated their shrines. But you, my son, attached to all your brothers and sisters who continue to profess religion and embracing it with all your strength and with heart, will tell you: "do not fear GOD's people. Nor one of your hair is you will lose if you remain steadfast in the faith and United to the vine". My son, tell them all that your mother will protect and cover with his mantle; I will be the Guide and the beacon that will light up your path; and I never forget any of you that my Holy Rosary to be the strength that you always have to keep firm in faith, hope, love and truth, because through the recitation of my Rosary will not allow that you miss, because you get more full security that I and the angels of heaven will always be at your side and you will take care of each of you day and night.
Therefore, I ask you to remain all you, beloved sons of mine, in the love of God, your beloved Father, and that at no time that nothing and no one steals the Peace of my Lord. I ask you and ask you fight across the Word, that you come to all the places that you could, that you never stop and that you do not stop going out taking not only the Word but you surrender to every brother to teach you to embrace the Cross with infinite love and you never stop looking after some others and the Hope has to be the FLAME that is always lit in each of your hearts.
I love you, beloved sons. Remember to look my children, all my creatures, your mother must be at all times next to each one of you because you are our sons, and because I love you and will carry the world's turn to be a world of harmony, peace and love next to the hearts IMMACULATE of Christ JESUS and my heart, beloved son.