✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My vessel, I desire you to give My message to the world, to believer and to non-believer.
I tell you, people of the world, look around you, see your world’s inhabitants… so many suffer in heart, mind, body and more importantly, in soul. So many deny Me without reason. Can you not recognize the signs of your earthly times? All the messages given to you over many years are like a cup filling up. The cup is nearly filled and about to overflow. When this comes about, many will be withdrawn from your world and come before Me. Many who experienced safety of the world in its fruits now experience emptiness and have little. The world’s fruits are swiftly passing : your labours should be not for the worldly fruits but for the fruits that will last forever through Me. Let your labours be fruitful in Me for your salvation.
There are many destructions coming to your world more swiftly than the wind, as My Hand draws close to the earth.* As I crush evil it turns on itself : man turns against man : child against parents, children running to and fro without a purpose.
Many things will be imposed upon you leading you more deeply into the darkness of Lucifer and his minions, catching many in its web seducing My people because so many live life only of your world’s fruits – they do not permit Me to protect them, they run from Me into the stench and darkness of Satan –Lucifer- and all his minions. My Church has permitted the darkness to enter. (A private and serious message concerning the Church was then given to Christina.)
…..You must be alert and live My true teachings, otherwise you will be led astray. (The private message continued.)…..confusion will spread its errors as My Mother told those of My children in Fatima.
(The secret within the message of Fatima was then revealed to Christina. Christina is fully aware of the complete secret of Fatima, including that which was hidden.) Many will choose to unite in darkness with the spirits from hell – they are busy seducing many in your world. The world has become very dark with few desiring to live lives in the light of God. My Sacred Heart bleeds and its wound opens… (Christina experienced the opened wound on the Sacred Heart.)
My mercy will soon be unwanted and disowned, just like Myself. When the world’s inhabitants deny Me in full, then you will experience My justice, but through My justice there will be great suffering.
I will come in the sky and great fire will fall upon the earth, lightning will flash throughout the sky, I shall lash out at the devil and his minions and all those that he has in his power – I shall burn them in everlasting flames.
There will be few found in the light and truth with My mercy. You My vessel have endured much and in your offerings to be united in My Sacrifice have saved many. **
Those of My people who have generously given to you and have been a means of help to you, I will raise up in the light of My mercy. The island of Achill will be untouched at that time. My Mother and many angels will stand over it and keep it protected. Death and the stench of death will be everywhere. I have told some of My chosen few what I am telling you now…To My children of Fatima I gave much detail regarding My Church, to others much about My justice. Garabandal, My chosen, has suffered unjustly but My time of justice shall put to flight the world’s powers that choose to rule over Me.
I AM and will be forever.
I bless you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
* Christina is aware at present of an earthquake coming very soon to the United States. She can hear the grinding of the earth’s plates.
** Christina, when enduring sufferings, would always say, “Receive, Lord, my offering of (whatever suffering) and I ask You to receive it through the sacrifice of Calvary that it may be purified through Your Sacrifice.”