✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
Now the doing of Satan was everywhere like a plague. Cries, screams everywhere; the sky was red and the clouds were like darkness. Beings were roaming across the land intent on torturing the peoples. They swiftly threw themselves upon sinners and beat them. Everything was lit up in a dazzling light. I saw balls of fire coming down from the sky, mixed up with the whirling crowd. Like red-hot irons these were burning the bodies of the sinners. Suddenly after all this chaos I realized that everything around me was sterile, I could feel no pulse of life, no rivers, no woods, no flowers, nothing, nothing. Only many people were gathered: someone was sitting and others walking with profound apathy. None of them were desperate; in them I sensed a peculiar state of mind, like a sort of regret, a regret for something not lost, but not attained, a nostalgia for God.
Suddenly I saw a speck in the sky of a pale but fluorescent light.
This speck started to descend, leaving behind it a trail of light, and gradually as it approached I was convinced that the speck and the trail melted into one another and became a single thing. This illuminated everything around it, for a great distance. I understood that this was a holy force. Out of this spot [of light] I heard a choir, as if of faint voices saying "We here are praying to the Lord that he might put an end to wickedness. We live in love, in universal unity. We live in the light that you call Paradise, filled with every perfection, and God reigns here in glory among the sweet songs of the Seraphim, while everywhere flowers are blooming and good fruit ripening. Here only the just and holy can dwell. Here is the source of winged thought and sublime ideas. The water that Man has never respected is pure where we are and we all emanate a silvery splendour that gives us wings.
Here nobody grows tired and all enjoy the good things that have been created for the just. We are all happy and all enjoy in peace the life that the Divine Creator has given us and which, loving and respecting it, has rendered us eternal and divine"*
['divine' should be understood here in the sense of 'divinized' by God's grace, the process known by the Fathers of the Early Church as theosis. PB]
Videos: http://www.incamminocongiulio.it/prefazione-vescovo-morosini-libro/ (images accompanying the text of Archbishop Giuseppe Fiorini Morosini's preface to the book In cammino con Giulio seguendo Gesù )
Son, industries of death have been built in the world.
Safeguarding the future of Humanity - this is your task!
Do not let yourselves be corrupted, keep your integrity, enlarge the quality of justice that the Father has put in your hearts.
Do not let yourself be corrupted by evil because [then] you will no longer be fit for the Kingdom that has been kept for you.
You will have to pass through difficult times.
Great disasters will occur, but do not stand watching with indifference and disbelief, all of you are all responsible; you are all called to build salvation in the world; do not remain in the darkness of your bodies.
You live on a living heart, a beating heart, your earth. It is alive: love it, respect it, it is not an abode of war and death, but it is a tabernacle where one of so many mysteries of the universe is guarded.
If you do not love it, it will not love you.
The Earth's axis will undergo fearful movements, all caused by powerful weapons created by human wickedness.
The consequences will be disastrous if you continue with these harmful actions.
Change your attitude toward that which has been given to you out of love.
Hearing what I am referring to, I say: do not be afraid; strive to fulfill your duty to God, because the harvest is great.
Do not be afraid as you watch the world crumble before your eyes.
Be vigilant, and turn your gaze towards Heaven because your redemption is near; My Son Jesus is at the gates.
I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Do not continue to be a threat to your earth. Soon all the elements will be unleashed upon you.
Great chasms will open in the depths of the oceans and the earth will be disfigured, put out of harmony because of you, and everything will be terrible.
The earth will emanate a red cloud like blood and with violence this cloud will ascend into heaven accompanied by a loud thunderclap.
Everything will be made sterile, the air will be as unbreathable gas, springs will give out red water and it will be poison for those who want to quench their strong thirst.
So many things essential for life will be missing.
For 91 days you will experience darkness, everything will occur in a short time; when you are aware of these events everything will already be established, thus pray, pray, pray; be aware, be sober, be prepared, ponder, and do not underestimate the months of spring.
Humanity is near to the abyss; try to be in agreement because you need to support yourselves; even if these events are [coming] soon, fix your hearts on my beloved Son Jesus and do not be afraid since you will be safe with him.
My Son is at hand and is coming.
Persevere in Love, Jesus will cleanse everything and His Kingdom of Peace will be magnificent.
I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
"My voice always bends down over all of you.
I know what my earthly children are doing and I still wait patiently.
The upheavals which are still taking place will be of great intensity, but the time will be short because the end is near, very near.
No one is able to stop the hourglass of time.
New changes will occur, nonetheless evil continues to roam throughout the whole earth, yes, but for a little while yet.
If you had not refused me, evil would no longer have a hold over the world.
In truth I tell you that now is the time for the deaf, blind and dumb to awaken; let there be an end to silence, concealment, betrayals, hypocrisy!!
Many things will have to happen, but open your heart and mind and approach your next meeting with love and not with fear.
There will be my justice for those who have made me suffer, have disobeyed, hated me.
They have repudiated my Holy Law which is Love and Forgiveness.
Once again I come as a Teacher to instruct you, but promptly afterwards I shall come to judge.
Heavenly forces will intervene very quickly. Before you know it they will deploy all their strength over you, as a cover.
They will give their instruction given to them by the Holy Spirit in hearts already open to my love.
The time of confusion is at hand, but the hour of My Holy Truth will quickly appear.
I am Love and I bless you in union with the Father and the Holy Spirit."