✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
Message from the Webmaster:
Hello my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I would like to explain my actions in regards to Vassula Ryden's messages being pulled off of the site. As you all know, I try to gather and discern messages from various branches of Christianity with a strong fucus on the Catholic messages in particular. But there are 2 instances that will automatically make me remove a person's message from my site.
- If the message attacks or contradicts the teaching of the Catholic Church to a point where I cannot simply excuse the mix-up as being a translation problem.
- If the Catholic Church goes out of her way to formally reject or condemn a message and orders the faithful to not diciminate the messages, then I as a faithful Catholic will abide with the decision.
Thus, when I learned of the request by the Church for the faithful to not promote or spread Vassula's messages, I felt I had no choice but to abide out of obedience to the Church.
BUT... apparently this declaration has been lifted after various dialogues between Vassula and [then] Cardinal Ratzinger. And furthermore, Father Iannuzzi, who is an exorcist priest with 5 Post Graduate degrees, has shared his approval of the messages. [You can read his approval letter here: http://www.tlig.org/en/news/2016-03-11/2344/] Thus, I have decided to reverse my decision and again begin posting her messages.
I hope this clarifies everything. God Bless. Your Brother in Christ,
My peace I give to you; will you pen down My Words?
Yes Lord...
this generation is hard to bend; enfeebled by their sins they lay their confidence in Satan, building their hope in him; although I have been standing before everyone to see Me, few have taken notice; their leaders have grown cruel, and death awaits many nations through their hand; how much have I wept over you, creation! You whose life now will be streaming down in death; then when flames will lick like tongues your inhabitants, bursting in the air, I will ask this generation: where will you find relief? and in whom? in Satan? in your ego and self?
the time has come to execute My Justice for the punishment of this faithless generation is at your doors; I will carry out My orders to the letter; when you will hear a thunderclap, My Voice will be heard, thundering in your ears, resounding to the very ends of the earth; then know that the world and all who live in it will hear the Voice of Justice: evil will bring death to many nations... ruin will creep up in every city;
have you heard that 'the Angel of Yahweh will encircle cities and nations' calling everyone to repent? these are the things that will take place in the days to come;
therefore, you who have entered My Courts and believed in My sayings, pray and do not dread or fear, but you who have jeered for endless years on My sayings, striking with your tongue My prophets, beware! for you have used lies to justify your lies, you have indeed buried My Words in your own tomb; yes, indeed, you have been twisting My Words; but your sins have created a gulf between you and Me; and now Justice will not be withheld; I tell you, bitter will be your coming days when I will confront you... pray and do not allow your eyelids to close down in sleep!
here is how you should pray:
"Yahweh, my God, let my prayer reach you, hear our cry of mercy and for help, forgive those who have no faith in You, my God, and no trust either in your power to save us;
do not blast the lights out of our days, withering with it in a flash the earth; but in Your Fatherly Compassion, pity us, and forgive us;
do not allow the evil one to shed our blood like water; forgive our guilt, repress Your anger, remembering our weakness;
hold back Your angels of disaster, giving us one more chance to prove ourselves worthy of Your Kindness;
I put my trust in You; amen"
how gladly will I then receive this prayer; this prayer that will make Me relent! daughter, I will bless all those who will sincerely pray this prayer; let this prophecy be heard; 'the day and hour belong to Me, your God,' this is what you will tell to those who will ask you the time and hour of My Justice! Love loves you;