✞ What victim means.
The following was submitted to us by an anonymous individual by the name of Steve from England. As always, please pray for discernment before proceeding.
December 31, 2017 Latin Mass, Christ the King Church
1.) I saw a clergyman wearing white, not sure if he was a bishop, a cardinal or a pope. The clergyman held a large open book in his left hand and began tearing out pages with his right hand. He turned to another section and tore out more pages. Finally, he turned to a third section and tore out more pages.
Next, he inserted new pages into each section of the book where he previously tore out the pages. The new pages contained different information. He then took a needle and thread and sewed the pages into the book.
Comment: It seemed that the figure in white was stripping out truths in the catechism and replacing them with false information to lure people into joining the church. The sewing of the pages into the book seemed to indicate that the changes would be made official church doctrine.
2.) Next, I saw a chalice that had been pushed aside and knocked over by a platter of fruit. The chalice was spilling wine, like in this picture.
Then, I saw a dark wooden platter with an orange, a green apple, and some red grapes.
Finally, I saw a large rosary in circle with the crucifix at the bottom and a large pair of shears came and cut the rosary.
Comment: The meaning seemed to be that the Eucharist was shoved aside and replaced by some offering of fruit (good works?). People could choose what they wanted to offer. This offering reminded me of Cain’s offerings of fruits that were not worthy. Finally, devotion to the Blessed Mother via the Rosary and other devotions to her would be cut out and discarded.
3.) Next I saw a circle turn itself inside out and embrace new people.
Comment: I understood the church was the circle which would be led from the hierarchy and would turn itself inside out after making all the changes shown in the earlier visions. The church would expand to welcome and embrace all the many newcomers who accepted the newly promulgated beliefs. All those who adhered to the older traditions would then become a minority who would be persecuted, marginalized, and then excluded.
It occurred to me that this technique of incorporating new people is the same method of weaponized migration seen in Europe and America. It is where a country’s leaders allow the country to be flooded with refugees and then the government undermines and ignores the legitimate concerns of its own people into order to destroy the existing culture and hijack the country by creating a new population of dependent people who are bribed by the leaders to accept the benefits to the new migrant population.
However, the handouts & benefits are just a trick to destroy the current culture because once the current culture is destroyed the leaders will betray the migrant followers and reduce benefits to them. The generous benefits were only a temporary measure used to destroy the native culture (Christianity) in the nation.
I understood that Christ would respond to this undermining of the faith by blessing the church with graces, uniting the Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Roman Catholic) churches, restoring the ability to perform miracles to the priesthood. Christ would then say to the people of earth, “Choose.” Meaning, people were to decide using their own free will whether they belonged to the true or false church.
Let us pray to remain faithful to the catechism handed down by St. Pope John Paul II and to adhere to the true magisterium of the church.