✞ What victim means.
Jesus spoke to Christina; " My little one, write and tell all My people throughout the world,
Prepare! Soon, soon My Hand is about to cover the earth. I will crush the one that disowns Me. Sinful man, in his pride, has raised himself up in an attempt to become like Me but he is merely man of sin. My Sacred Heart is pierced and weeps Blood on account of man's resistance to opening his heart and hearing and receiving Truth and Life in Me. How it causes My Sacred Heart to be crushed! I am Life, Love and Mercy and unto man I gave life. My justice is close. My mercy I have given to many throughout the world but all that is given in prophecy must be fulfilled. Humanity has entered its final phase. My Church - its doors are opened to all that is not of Me. Pray, pray for souls! Your sufferings offer to Me and through your offering, surrender and love for Me, I will save souls. The hour of My Father is close to you, My people. Satan has opened hell and his many legions are released upon the earth but the four angels are stationed at the four corners of the earth. Woe unto those who in their bodily diseases received My healing mercy and who, in return, have given Me only insult and have rejected the mission I have given to you for such! I will cause them to endure a greater pain for their rejection of Me and for the insult they have brought about. Foolish is the man who lacks understanding and finds fault with the little victims I have chosen, rather than trying to understand My calling through the message they give. Woe to those who cast doubt on My little souls who bring truth to your world!
The world is close to its purification. My Hand is close and that must be fulfilled before My forthcoming in the clouds for all to see.
As My Hand approaches the earth, the sky will darken, the lightning will flash through the sky to be seen throughout the world. The thunder will be so loud that it will shake even the earth, bringing about earthquakes and disasters in some parts of the world. The lightning-strikes will flash throughout the sky for all to see. Many will die of fear and shock - even those with hardened hearts. These will shake more because of their closed hearts and lives which are saturated with evil and have become one with death through the evil one. The peace talks you hear of in parts of the world are false. You are more close to great destruction of the world now.
Repent now! Throw yourself on My mercy, you sinful, foolish man.
Those who have been working to destroy truth must repent before it is too late and recognise their faults of heart, soul and life rather than fall into the deception of finding fault with the little ones of My Sacred Heart.
My vessel, be at peace. Know that I am with you. I experience the depth of your aloneness. Offer Me your abandonment of heart and life. I will receive it and grant mercy to many souls through it.
A cross will soon be visible for all to see in the sky. As My Hand approaches the earth, day will turn to night. Many angels surround My Mother's House. The archangels gaze upon this House as it represents My Mother's battle with the devil and all his minions. How they try to destroy it and you, My little one! Their destructive actions are bringing about a darkness to stop My people from receiving truth.
How so much of My Sacred Heart's contents, which have been poured out for mankind through My Mother's House, have been attacked. My people, I tell you make haste to throw yourselves upon My Mercy while you have time.
When those days come a cloud mingled with the light that will extend from My Hands will envelop and protect My Mother's House for the sake of Her Maternal Heart. My Mother will humbly stand over this House while My Sacrifice through the Flesh in the Blessed Sacrament will be visible. (Christina was then shown the House enveloped in a cloud mingled with light. She could then see Our Lady over the chapel of the House of Prayer. She saw the Sacred Host become visible over the font by the entrance to the grounds of Our Lady's House as Jesus spoke.)
How My Heart desires to flow and fill all those with empty hearts! My thirst is great for all souls. If you My people would abide and hear My call and that of My Mother before the darkening days arrive, I would give multiple gifts of healing -corporal and spiritual- but it is the same today as at the time of the Gospel - they are too busy making their judgements on this mission. If My people were to fill My Mother's Houses in prayer, I would permit the flow of gifts to them and the gifts of My Life which they are rejecting now, they would not be throwing out. For those coming with pure and open hearts I yearn to fill them with multiple graces and healings.
(Christina was then shown an image of the Church in great darkness and a number of black dogs [smaller than before] running away.)
I will shepherd My flock Myself. Confusion. Confusion. Truth is trampled upon. There is little Light of Me to be seen in the world as hearts grow cold. If the people came to fill and uphold My Houses I would permit an outpouring of gifts, spiritual and corporal healing.
At the appointed hour of the Father I will give an extended time of one year to baptise with fire through the Holy Spirit those who enter this, the Mother House of Prayer.
There is great, great wrong in the people's lack in the Americas of receiving Life in Me or giving their time to My Mother's Houses. They, too, will receive their just reward.
My little one, blessed are you from My Sacred Heart. Continue to receive My Love and Wisdom.
I bless you, My brother in My Life. Be strong in Me. Receive and continue to relate Truth. I am Truth and Life. The man of perdition has tried to destroy you. I want you to know I am with you and I will continue to live through you. I had desired a different work through you but there were those in darkness and sin who made many changes to destroy this. They were only permitted to change your life to a union with Me in the Cross. Your life's alterations only served to enhance that of My Life in you. How great is your reward. Remember that as you ascended Calvary your life has been a flame of love and of Me through the Holy Spirit. I know your humanity only experiences the wounds but to those who have inflicted such, to them justice will be given. You know all the affliction upon My little victim. Comfort her with Me.
My little one, I desire you to have this message given to My people on the 16th and 25th of July. My gaze will be upon you and upon all present on those days. My Flesh of My Sacred Body will be with you. Fear not. I bless you. Father, Son and Holy Spirit."
Our Blessed Lady then appeared to Christina. After a brief personal message, Our Lady said;
"You have received great blessings to be steadfast in this mission. The 25th anniversary of My House of Prayer is a great triumph because it also unites the 25th with My lost children. I will give great blessings on that day. All people who will be present should be in the hearing of what will be said on that day."