✞ What victim means.
On March 8, 2018 Christina's soul was filled with an infused knowledge concerning God's creation of man and woman. Though she has never read or reflected on the text of Scripture - nor, for that matter, any book- Christina said afterwards,
"It was made totally clear to me
that man and woman were not created in the same way. Man who was created first was created outrightly by God. Woman, who was created only afterwards to be a companion and help-mate to man because man was lonely, was not created outrightly but fashioned by God from the side of man. Woman was taken "from man". Eve, the weaker of the two, succumbed to the seduction of the devil and became the means of Adam's temptation and fall. God, of course, never planned sin to occur but when sin came about through humanity's fall and His Divine Son came as Redeemer, He came as man - in the male form. Jesus would not dishonour the creative will of His Father by coming in any way other than as man. Therefore, the one eternal Priesthood of Christ can be conferred only on man. In their ordination priests receive union with the authority of Christ even though many may not be in the full understanding of this. This union in the authority of Christ authorises and empowers the priest to act in the person of Christ, going out as He sent the first apostles, to offer His Sacrifice, forgive sins, preach, heal and cast out demons in His Name. Is it any wonder that we see repeated in our world today the same rebellious spirit at work on the part of woman, that though everything else is open to her to avail of, the one thing she defiantly seeks is to be equal to God in the One Priesthood of Christ? Nor is it any wonder, either, that woman in our time should be agitating against the will of God so angrily and so furiously and leading the charge for freedom even to murder through abortion little babies conceived in lust?"
Christina adds, "I convey this knowledge in respect and deference to God, though I am well aware of the criticism it will bring me".