✞ By living her nothingness, the soul is filled with God.
Anna Marie: My dear Lord, are you calling me?
Jesus: Yes my dear little one.
Anna Marie: My Lord may I ask please, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?
Jesus: My dear one, it is I, your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.
Anna Marie: Yes my Divine Savior, may I ask please? Will you bow down and adore your Holy Eternal Merciful
Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?
Jesus: Yes my little one, I your Divine Savior Jesus will now and will always bow down and adore My Holy
Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.
Anna Marie: Please speak my Jesus, for your sinful servant is now listening.
Jesus: My beloved one, I know you are working hard today regarding the Healing Conference. Others will
come when they see everything moving along. Do not be concerned over the attendance but instead pray
for those whom I am calling to attend to do so. Many have made up their minds not to attend because they
have not asked for my permission to attend. It will be their great loss. I will be present and so will my
Mother. I will bestow on my children great miraculous gifts that they will understand came from their Savior.
Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus.
Jesus: Now I have another issue at hand.
Anna Marie: Yes Jesus.
Jesus: There will be a vicious attack on my children in another country that will take many lives. This attack
can be mitigated if my dear children pray and ask my Eternal Father to prevent the full extent of the attack
which is already being planned and to be carried out. I will that all my precious Apostles begin this very day
to pray hard that my children are not killed and maimed by an explosive device.
Anna Marie: Yes Jesus. Dear Jesus, may I ask when it is planned to happen?
Jesus: During the next month. Please pay, please ask my Holy Eternal Father to step in and stop this major
attack from those who serve evil, not my Eternal Father.
Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. I will do as you requested. We love you Jesus.
Jesus: Tell all my loving children I love them too and do not be afraid, I am always with them, watching over
them and protecting them.
Anna Marie: Yes my Lord, thank you Jesus.
Jesus: Your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.
End of Message