✞ Luisa of the Passion of the Tabernacle’
Christina says regarding God's call for a House of Prayer on the outskirts of New York;
I have consistently and faithfully made known to the world the message given to me over the past 30 years by Heaven. The truth of that message is clear for all to see in its fulfilment and it is additionally upheld through miraculous healings (authenticated by consultants) and conversion testimonies numbering into the 700's. World events have occurred exactly as predicted, thereby upholding the truth of what was given to me. That fulfilment speaks for itself: it is already a matter of fact. Some examples of these are; the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster which smashed into 9 countries across Asia killing a quarter of a million people on December 26, 2004 was shown to me and published by me beforehand in my autobiography, the earthquake in Iran which killed 5,000 people on their way to worship at Mecca which I could see three weeks before it occurred, the genocide in Rwanda shown to me a year before it happened and the war in Chechnya two years ahead of its occurrence. The declaration I made of the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York was two years to the very day before they came down. As far back as 1995 I received the knowledge of the weather changes in great detail before such destructive extremes could even be imagined. Likewise, when the economic boom was at its height and I gave the message that the stock market would shortly collapse, people reacted with disbelief but as with every other revelation given to me, it was rapidly fulfilled to everyone's shock. It was a similar pattern when I warned that Ireland would have abortion, euthanasia and same-sex marriage - people were adamant that such legislation would never be enacted in our country yet the same people were dumbfounded to witness that the Irish people rushed with lightning speed not only to usher in same-sex marriage and a liberal abortion service with all costs borne by the state but to publicly welcome the outcome with festivity. As far back as 1992 I publicised how uniting of the currencies in Europe was the first step to be followed by others (a cashless society, a one-world bank, a one-world government and ultimately a one-world Church [not of God]) - all intended to bring about and impose absolute control, culminating in the 'chip', the mark of the beast which is mentioned in Scripture and through which we hand over our soul to the control of the evil one. World events show the rapid progression of this movement while so many remain blind and heedless to the dangers that surround them.
I must assert that I give the most recent message about a House of Prayer of reparation on the outskirts of New York with the same clarity and force with which I have conveyed every other message I have received. I cannot emphasise strongly enough the devastating danger that awaits New York and the pain I feel at the deafness of people to the merciful call of God who wishes to protect you. It brings me back to the moment when I stood on the steps of the Marriott Hotel next to the Twin Towers on 9/11, 1999 and responded to Judge Dan Lynch that the Twin Towers would come down if the American people did not turn back to God and I knew my words caused embarrassment and disbelief, yet two years later when the calamity occurred, he quickly phoned an Irish radio programme to recall the prophecy I had given and to uphold it. I say now to the people of New York, it is entirely up to yourselves what you do. My responsibility is ended when I convey to you what I have received in the most recent message and I will not be repeating it again. However, I can and must assure you that what is given will take place - like all else that I have received. While I was made aware of the manner in which the destruction will take place, I do not feel it would serve any purpose, other than curiosity, to engage in discussion at that level. Everything depends upon your free response to God's offer of mercy.
I leave you with the words Jesus spoke on my return journey from the United States,
"…My people of New York, you fail to hear and take to heart My call. You have a very short time to answer to My call. Your life is so busy with everything of the world and that of the flesh. I do not exist in your lives but when the chain of power begins you will realise how foolish you have become. I call you 'man of sorrow' for that is what you have been in My Heart. Listen in humility to My Wisdom through My messenger regarding the existence of New York for it will be disintegrated ……..to a non-existence while you are asleep and it is too late to awake you. Time is NOW. Your time is short. As I said, I will not call again. The choice is yours. My people, I love you. Turn to Me while you have time. Accept Me as your Lord and Saviour."