✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Message received by Christina for 16 and 25 July 2019
Jesus spoke to Christina;
"Christina, My little one, I desire that you write and relate what I tell you to the people of the world.
People of the world, I have called you to protection and guidance in Truth and Mercy for many years. I called you through the Immaculate Heart of My Mother also and She has pleaded with Me for Mercy for you, but to no avail.
You are being seduced by the devil and throughout the world he is hailed high, raising all of his evil desires into your hearts.
My Mercy is coming to a close as you no longer ask for or want My Mercy. My Hand descends upon the world of sin and darkness through evil being fulfilled in so many hearts: you reject Truth and Life, love does not exist in your hearts, your hearts are closed to Truth and Life in Me, your Lord God.
What you experience regarding the weather changes is not climate change and scientists will explain away much as My Hand descends upon your world. So many have become the godless man and unto him will be given his just reward.
My Church has all but abandoned Me, My sacraments are withdrawn more and more, truth is denied to My people but woe to the man who has done such wrongs - better he was never born.
For those of you who have come here today out of curiosity, you will not be aware of the enormity of evil that surrounds you, waiting to seduce you at every moment. The only way you will have wisdom to understand is to pray, receive the sacraments, unburden yourself of sin and ask forgiveness from Me. Desire to be covered by My Light and filled with My Life. Live in and by Truth. Only in that way can you be protected. Cast fear from you.
How so many of you have cast such sufferings upon My little one! You have believed the deceiver in his lies about her and from one to another you kept finding a greater deception to draw upon her. But to you I say how wicked you have become! You could only receive such wickedness from the devil and it is to him you surrender your life. I tell you, wake up because your earthly life has but limited time for you to make amends to Me.
My people, pray for wisdom because you do not understand Truth. You have been led away from Truth by many of those who are meant to preach it.
Trust in Me. You will see many dangers and horrible disasters come to your world - all of which you have drawn upon yourselves through sin as My Hand approaches the earth.
Turn away from sin. Live the Ten Commandments of your God and Saviour."
After a brief pause, Jesus added,
"How My Heart sorrows for the many in the world who lack Truth in their hearts. How My Heart grieves to see the innocence of My little children being destroyed and the young being deceived through false teaching about their identity and sexuality. How My Heart is pierced at the spread of abortion, the devil's weapon against life. How My Mother's words to you are daily being fulfilled as so many youth, through lack of prayer and loss of faith wander in confusion, are destroyed by drugs and succumb to suicide.
How your leaders allow greater powers to dictate to them, to take over and lead your countries but only to destroy them. There is corruption everywhere, the world is led by and through corruption. The world is now entering the peak, the cusp of its own corruption.
Later Jesus spoke to Christina as follows;
"My little one, I desire you listen to what I tell you. There is much change coming to your world. It is about to experience the depth of its sin and drink of its wounds brought about by sin. The world has disowned Me, its Creator and Redeemer. How I have called and pleaded with you to listen and turn away from sin. There are many leaders of the world who exercise their power according to him who is darkness and they are drawing destruction upon the world while the people of the world remain blind to this and doubt the truth that I call you to. My people, how can you be so foolish? I call you to see and recognise the depth of sin the world has drawn down upon itself. The elements reject the depths of this darkness. The earth vomits from its bowels as it rebukes humanity’s sin and depraved behaviour and to hear man of perdition say, 'God would not do this to us!'. No, you do it by your own destructive deeds. Hatred is in every heart, jealousy grows, greed knows no bounds as the flesh craves for more of its fulfilment, not of Life, Light or Truth but rather of the flesh- from the world's fruits. The destructive angels of darkness are everywhere. I look upon the Immaculate Heart of My Mother as She pleads for you, for mercy but the time of mercy is drawing to a close. It seems you no longer need mercy.
The continent of America will have much to endure for its denial of Me. War is fast approaching its shores. (As Jesus subsequently showed Christina what is coming to America, He added "War that is nuclear, diseases, earthquakes…and also to other parts of the world")
O you foolish man! So many godless and full of pride. Soon I will shepherd My flock Myself!
He who has drawn souls away from My Mother’s House, him I will disown for his pride and deception have led him far from Me. To him, as he has drawn many from Me in the weakness of his flesh and filled with pride, I say ‘Woe unto you. You are like the one who returned without any talents'.
My little one, how you have borne the scars of the deception that travelled throughout the world but the lies and deception spread about you is like a sweet incense before Me.
Be not afraid of those who seem great in the world. Your surrender to Me -its greatness will last forever.
I bless you in My Father, I Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit.