✞ By living her nothingness, the soul is filled with God.
@4:38 PM
Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear you calling me. My Lord are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?
Jesus: My dear one, thank you for listening. Little one, it is I, your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.
Anna Marie: Yes dearest Lord, I love you. My Lord, may I ask please? Will you bow down and adore your
Holy Eternal Heavenly Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of al life, of all that is visible and invisible?
Jesus: Yes my dear one, I your Divine Savior will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal
Merciful Father, Who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.
Anna Marie: Please speak my Holy Heavenly Savior, because your sinful servant is now listening.
Jesus: My dear little one, I know you have had a busy week, but much will be taking place soon that will
have devastating consequences in your nation.
Anna Marie: Yes my Lord.
Jesus: You have been told twice of a huge devastation that will soon take place. [The Lord let me know and
feel a great tragedy was coming twice this week that will soon to take place.] I wish you and all Apostles [of
the Green Scapular] to pray that it will be mitigated. This event will take place within the month, so your
prayers are needed now!
Anna Marie: Jesus, does this mean within the next 30 days or during the month of August?
Jesus: It means during August.
Anna Marie: Yes Jesus. I will place it on a blessed Green Scapular.
Jesus: This is what I am asking for dear one.
Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. My Lord, is it a natural disaster?
Jesus: It will be both, natural but complicated by a human factor.
Anna Marie: Yes Jesus.
Jesus: After the first disaster, another one will take place.
Anna Marie: Yes Jesus, I understand. I will write “Disaster 1” and “Disaster 2” on a blessed Green Scapular.
Jesus: Very good. Ask all my Apostles around the world to pray for its mitigation.
Apostolate of the Green Scapular www.greenscapular.org
Anna Marie: Yes Jesus.
Jesus: Many natural and man-made disasters will be taking place around the world. It will be tremendous
turmoil in many nations.
Anna Marie: Yes Jesus. I understand. We should all pray hard for our native land too!
Jesus: Yes, this is most important. I tell you now, all nations will feel the pains of a lack of food and clean water. Disaster after disaster will be unceasing due to the wickedness of sinners who have turned away from
my Father’s love. The good Christians will suffer too. So tell my children there is such a short time left for
them to prepare for the great famine.
Anna Marie: Yes Jesus. I understand. Is there anything else?
Jesus: Yes, continue with your prayers: daily Mass, Rosaries, Chaplets of Mercy and Novenas. They are making a difference and my Father has held His “Arm of Destruction” upon your nation for some time. However,
the grave evil and demented social perversions cry out for my Father’s vengeance, that being abortion and
abuse of small children and the radical demonstrative means that are taking place in my Catholic Churches by
perverted ministers of the faith. Not one of these, “so-called” sexual abusing Priests will be saved from damnation.
Jesus: I do have a Message of Love to my Holy Catholic Priests who are aligned with my Sacred teachings,
who have not decided to follow the devil in all his wicked ways. Tell my beloved, holy and faithful Catholic
Priests, that I know their sufferings. I know how they are being persecuted by the wicked hierarchy, and demonstrative parishioners. I see their tears for my Holy Church and its internal destruction. But be strong and
do not waver from the truth. Stay the course, even to your death. For in death, you will receive your holy
and just reward from my Loving Father You will be repaid with the glories of eternal life with me, their Lord
and Savior. So be strong, my dearest brothers. Pray to my Holy Mother who watches over you and consoles
you each day with her loving Motherly grace. Be in peace, be not afraid, be the Priest Sons I have called you
to be. I love you my Sons. Your loving and Divine Savior, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God and Father.
Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus. Thank you so much!
Please Note: I asked Jesus if He would like me to post the vision I witness in outer space and He said, “Yes”.
The vision was given on July 21, 2019, when I was taken into space to witness a most terrifying event. A
planet was struck with such force that it broke the planet into pieces. I did not see what struck the planet to
make it break into pieces, I believe it was an Asteroid or Meteor. The planet was shaken, it moved like something huge hit it from behind. The largest piece appeared to be 1/4 the size of the whole planet. Other
pieces were broken off too. The vision was very quick and frightening, that I was in shock for a while.
I have done my best to render what I witnessed. Anna Marie