✞ By living her nothingness, the soul is filled with God.
Anna Marie: My dear Lord, are you calling me?
Jesus: Yes my little one.
Anna Marie: My Lord, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?
Jesus: It is I, your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.
Anna Marie: Yes my Savior, may I ask? Will you bow down and adore God your Holy Eternal Father, who is
the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?
Jesus: Yes my dear one, I your Divine Savior Jesus will now and will always bow down and adore My Holy
Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.
Anna Marie: Please speak my Holy Savior, for your sinful servant is now listening.
Jesus: (Private message given). I have been planning your going to California for some time and I have
blessed this Healing Conference with my protective graces. Do not be afraid. Do not allow anything or anyone to stop what I have asked of you. It is my will and my Father’s will that we send you there to bring hope
for the afflicted and guidance where others do not understand. I have taught you many secrets that evil
(persons/spirits) do, that others have not known. Now it is time for you to go and set the captives free. I will
be with you before, during and after this Healing Conference to ensure your safe passage to and from. Let
my children know I am calling those who need to be present at this last Healing Conference, let them know if
they ask for my graces and financial support, I will grant them this request. Now be in peace. I am with you
Anna Marie: Yes Jesus. Is there anything else Jesus?
Jesus: Yes, you are now witnessing the wrath of my Father’s justice upon your land because of the many
sinful behaviors your corrupt society has approved in its laws. The degradation of humanity and respect for
human life will not go unpunished. This is the beginning of many “Woes” to your country and others. Those
nations who do not fear Almighty God will be humbled by my Father’s “Just Arm”. Until a nation and its citizens can openly pray in public areas, crying out to my Father for mercy, there will not be peace in your nation, in nature or in other countries. Peace is my gift to the world. For those who do not love the Lord, they
will never obtain peace in their lives.
Jesus: For you my beloved children, who serve me day and night, who call out to me in pain daily, I hear your
cries and I am with you. Open your hearts to my great peace, and my graces of peace will help you endure
your many and great trials, but you will remain under my protective mantle of peace. I am here for you always. I am sorrowful when you are suffering so greatly.
Jesus: Please surrender your many sufferings to my Heavenly Mother, Mary; so she can save many more
souls from damnation. She receives many gifts of grace from my beloved ones now, how much more could
she do with more?
Jesus: My Mother is “Queen of the Holy Rosary”, so please pray your rosaries daily for your protection and
your family members too. My dear children continue to ask about the “Warning” and the “Three Days of
Darkness”. Do not worry about this, the time is not now but it is approaching. Rather, prepare yourselves
with Sacramental Confession, with sacrifices and prayers. Prepare your homes with daily prayers too. Obtain
sustainable food and water in preparation of the “Great Famine” that is coming. Pray and discern what you
will need in those days and I will provide you with all you need to know and do. Trust, my children, trust in
my love for you. Trust in my compassion and mercy. Be in peace, be in prayer and love one another as I
have loved you. Your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus of Mercy.
Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus. We all love you Jesus, all your Apostles around the world love you. Thank you
for coming Jesus.