✞ What passed between Baby Jesus and His sweet Mama when She would feed Him from Her breast. The ‘I love You’ of the creature is requited by the ‘I love you’ of the Creator.
In a message to Christina on October 12, 2019, as she returned from New York. Jesus said,
"California's flames will rise high upon all those filled with their own pomp and false security. So many in their pride adore the world and its fruits - all that is not of Me but these are wasting away. These fires are little - there will be many more until they open their hearts to recognise My Hand crushing evil. Tell the people of California that they must honour Me their God."
Jesus then showed Christina a volcano erupting on a large mountain where none has erupted before. (He did not say in which country.) She could see the lava on fire flowing down on top of the people. The people had their hands up in fear and pleading. They were not prepared for this any more than the people of Indonesia at the time the massive tsunami struck them in 2004. Jesus then said,
"I am the Lord your God. This is My Hand. Can people not understand that this is My Hand to crush the deepest evil. I have to crush it. Why can't mankind live humbly and simply by obeying My Law. The destruction they perform is put in their hearts by the dark designs of the evil one."
The well-known and detailed prophecy concerning the weather changes given as far back as March 25, 1995 to Christina Gallagher is being fulfilled daily in the most dramatic and devastating ways. Early in the morning on March 25, 1995 Christina Gallagher received a message from Our Lord. In it the Lord said:
"The North of America... Fire will rage."
In a Message from Our Lady to Christina Gallagher on November 3, 2006, She said, "The weather changes will escalate more and more in their behaviour, floods, drought, fires, twisters, all those are little, but there will also be earthquakes, and tsunamis. You are unprepared for it in soul or body."
In 2007 a CBS broadcast stated; "Every year you can count on forest fires in the West like hurricanes in the East, but recently there has been an enormous change in Western fires. In truth, we've never seen anything like them in recorded history. It appears we're living in a new age of mega-fires -- forest infernos ten times bigger than the fires we're used to seeing." CBS News: Age of the Mega-Fires
Fires are raging throughout the United States worse than ever before. On CBS News in 2011 the story of the Mega-Fires continues "Arizona is burning. Texas, too. New Mexico is next. If you need a grim reminder that an already arid West is burning up and blowing away, here it is. As I write this, more than 700 square miles of Arizona and more than 4,300 square miles of Texas have been swept by monster wildfires." [Extract from a Commentary by Marita Wodjak in 2011]
CLEARLY the messages of Our Lord and Our Blessed Lady are fulfilled yet again with News reports of the wildfires in California being the "Largest in the state's history". CNN News
On July 16, 2005 Our Lady said: "The purification is upon you, and few of you are prepared. I weep for your safety. You will see many upheavals in the world. You will experience the climate changes more and more. There will be many abnormal calamities, throughout the world. The changes in the season’s behaviour have already begun, but will increase and intensify, floods in many parts of the world beyond normal capacity, mud slides, typhoons, earthquakes and many many other abnormal and strange happenings."