✞ The more things of which the soul deprives herself down here, the more she will have up there in Heaven.
Anna Marie: My Lord, are you calling me?
Jesus: Yes my little one.
Anna Marie: My Lord, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?
Jesus: My beloved one, it is I, your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.
Anna Marie: Yes my Divine Lord, may I ask you please? Will you bow down and adore your Holy Eternal
Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?
Jesus: Yes my little one, I your Divine Savior Jesus, will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy
Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.
Anna Marie: Please speak my holy Lord, for your sinful servant is listening.
Jesus: Little one, I know you are grieving for your Spiritual Director, my beloved son, John Izral. His is here
with me and is very close to my Heavenly Mother daily. He worked tirelessly for the Kingdom of God my Father and now he reaps the reward of eternal life in Heaven.
Anna Marie: Yes Jesus.
Jesus: He has not left you and you can still depend upon his blessings….
Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus. (Private message given.)
Jesus: Know that I have assigned him to help you in your daily tasks, but you need to stay strong and determined to continue your mighty work for me, your Lord and Savior.
Anna Marie: Yes Jesus, I will. (Private message given.) Jesus, what about the California Healing Conference?
Jesus: Tell my children that I and my Mother will be present and they will truly experience my healing in their
lives. I will bless each with insurmountable gifts of grace and mercy. Now go daughter, Have a blessed night.
Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus. I love you Jesus.
Jesus: I love you too.
End of Message
[Many private messages are given to Anna Marie from Jesus and Mother Mary. These messages pertain to
Anna Marie’s personal life which include advice and guidance from our Holy Savior or Heavenly Mother that
are not shared with Apostles publicly.]