✞ What victim means.
Note: After reading the following excerpts, it is VERY important that you go to the original site to read the full set of messages given to Father Michel Rodrigue
March 24, 2020 he writes the following:
"....After this period of compulsory confinement [due to coronavirus -editor], life will resume its course. The summer period will open a window of time where we will be able to prepare well for the coming test … that of being with Jesus on the Cross. We cannot see the Glorious Cross without encountering the cross with Jesus.
"You must now consecrate your house or apartment to the Eternal Father through the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary if you have not done so. We must regularly bless our places, our homes, with exorcised holy water. During this summer, you need to prepare a food supply for a period of three months, with drinking water, too. You will need to have made your general confession before fall. The prayer of the Holy Rosary, of Saint Michael the Archangel, and that of your guardian angels will be your comfort, your strength, your protection."
March 26, 2020 Fr. Michel writes the following:
"My dear people of God, we are now passing a test. The great events of purification will begin this fall. Be ready with the Rosary to disarm Satan and to protect our people. Make sure that you are in the state of grace by having made your general confession to a Catholic priest. The spiritual battle will begin.
-Dom Michel Rodrigue, fabl
*Note: the "Month of the Rosary" is October.
Father has also seen, beginning in the Fall of 2020, an economic collapse, revolution, martial law and world war 3.