January 28, 1909
✞ What victim means.
Volume 8 — Entry 63
Beginning Sunday March 15 those who wish are invited to join Christina from their homes - as Our Lady's army - in storming Heaven for Mercy and Protection in 3 Hours of Prayer from 12 noon until 3 pm. daily -the hours of Our Divine Lord's victory upon the cross.
Beginning at noon with the Most Holy Rosary and continuing with successive Rosaries we will beg Our Blessed Mother's intercession for our protection and conclude with the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm.
Those who wish to fast on bread and tea one day a week should feel free to unite with us in doing so.
Those of you who wish Our Lady's House of Prayer to survive in the present "storms of destruction" are encouraged to uphold it by kindly arranging a standing order with your bank to
Name: AIB Bank
Address: Pearse St., Ballina, Co. Mayo
Account: House of Prayer Deposit Account
Iban: IE29 AIBK 9370 2935 8771 41