✞ What victim means.
Anna Marie: My Lady, I hear you calling me. My dear Lady may I ask please? Will you bow down and adore
Jesus Christ your beloved Divine Son, who was born in Bethlehem, grew up in Nazareth then was tortured
and crucified on a Cross for all mankind’s sins. He died, descended to the dead, arose and ascended into
Heaven where Jesus now sits at His Father’s right hand side to judge the living and the dead?
Mother Mary: Yes my dear one, I your Heavenly Mother, Mary, will now and will always bow down and
adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Son, Jesus of Nazareth, who was born in Bethlehem, did grow up in Nazareth.
As an adult, was tortured and crucified on a Cross. He did die, was buried, He descended to the dead, arose
and did ascend into Heaven where my beloved Son now sits at His Father’s right hand side to judge the living
and the dead.
Anna Marie: Please speak my dear Mother, for your sinful servant is now listening.
Mother Mary: My dear one, I know that your country is in great concern over this deadly virus that is killing
so many around the world, but do not fear. I am your Mother and I will protect you and your family. This is a
test for your nation, a crucible to determine if they will turn back to my Son, their Lord God and Savior; or
not. Every man, woman and child should be in continuous prayer asking my Son to end this horrific virus. It
is through fear that my children are reacting too.
Mother Mary: Please know that through the Novena of the Annunciation, I will and have been granted great
graces to bring healing into the communities where this novena is said. It is my request, my dear one, that
you ask as many Apostles to pray this novena daily to stop the spread of this Corona Virus.
Anna Marie: Yes Mother.
Mother Mary: Please tell my dear little ones to continue daily in prayer as they are quarantined in their
homes. It is a time of reflection on the great sacrifice my Son made for the salvation of all sinners. Then prepare for Good Friday, the day my Son was crucified brutally to save all sinners from damnation, and in three
days, my Holy Divine Son arose from the dead and opened the gates of Heaven for all to enter who have
loved, served and carried their own crosses during life.
Anna Marie: Yes Mother.
Mother Mary: Now my dear little one, I ask that you make certain this message is posted for all to read.
Anna Marie: Yes Mother. I love you Mother.
Mother Mary: I love you too my little one. Your Heavenly Mother, Mary.
This novena prayer, although short is sufficient. It would be better of course to add, if time permits, three Hail Marys or say five times the Our Father, Haily Mary and Glory be to the Father, or to use some of the many well-loved novena prayers from other sources. Remember that prayers must be said with the lips in order to gain the indulgences. This novena begins on March 16 and ends on March 25.
O most holy Virgin Mary, to whom God sent the Angel Gabriel to announce that you should be the mother of His Only-Begotten Son, pray for us who have recourse to you. Holy, lovely Mary We give our all to you What is past and present, And the future, too. Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the most blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
300 days. Plenary, under usual conditions, if said daily for a month. S. Pen., Nov. 8, 1934.