✞ Preparation and thanksgiving at Communion.
Original Message found at: https://www.countdowntothekingdom.com/i-am-opening-the-sealed-book/
There is a special soul in California under the spiritual direction of Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, who was the vice-postulator for St. Faustina’s canonization. In the home of this Californian, there are sacred images and statues that ooze oil, and in the past, even blood (that has been shown to match that of a “male”). One of those images is now hanging in the Divine Mercy Shrine in Massachusetts. From time to time, this man sees “in the air” in front of him the numbers of messages from the so-called “Blue Book“, a collection of the revelations Our Lady gave to the late Fr. Stefano Gobbi . He does not read the Blue Book (as his education is very limited). But over the years, these numbers that materialize have confirmed on countless occasions not only what is taking place in the world, but how Our Lady is guiding this man and his wife, who is a faithful suffering soul. Whenever those numbers are made available to us here, we will publish them. It seems the messages to Fr. Stefano Gobbi now have their time.
On March 28th, 2020, this special soul saw #391 in the Blue Book: To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons:
Today you are bringing to a close, here in Fatima, the cenacles which, during this Marian Year, you have been holding in every country of Europe) with the priests and faithful of my Movement. My great net of love and of salvation has, as of now, been spread out in every part of the earth. From this place, where I have appeared as the Woman clothed in the sun, I announce to you that the time of the purification has now reached its culmination and that you are therefore called to live through the most painful moments of what has been foretold to you. The Lord is sending me to you that I might bring to fulfillment the task which has been entrusted to me in these times of yours, by the Most Holy Trinity. I am opening for you the sealed Book, that the secrets contained in it may be revealed. I have gathered you from all sides and you have been formed by me in order to be ready for the great events which are awaiting you. Only in this way are you able to carry out your important mission. In the great apostasy, which is spreading everywhere, you must remain strongly rooted in the true faith and be courageous witnesses of faith. In the great tribulation, in which you are living, you must become the signs of my peace and of my motherly protection. In the great chastisement, through which this world is, as of now, living, you must be of assistance to all to walk along the road of trust, of prayer, of hope and of a filial abandonment to the love of your Heavenly Father. My light will become continuously stronger in order to announce the coming of Jesus, King of justice and of peace, who will renew all things. From this, my venerated shrine, I am asking you to accept my word and to believe in my messages. Open for me the doors of your hearts and live in the peace and in the grace of the Lord. I am the Queen of the Holy Rosary and I bless you all with this sign of my sure victory. —Fatima, Portugal, October 13th, 1988; Seventy-first Anniversary of the Last Apparition
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