✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
Jesus spoke to Christina on April 26, 2020;
Man of Sorrow, I call upon you to listen and hear what I reveal to you through My messenger. You are only at the beginning of the battle of the antichrist. The antichrist is on the earth and has many in his army at work for him. Your world will be plunged into the wrath of the Justice of My Father. You have rejected My Word and My Mercy all these years. My people, your heart and lips were full of mockery. Soon you will enter a time of suppression. You will be suppressed and filled with fear. I have called you many times but you would not listen because your hearts were full of hatred and your mouths full of filth that spewed nothing but mockery for My message and My messenger. There will be eternal death for many such people whose only desire was to live in sin. There will be many sufferings that will befall your world through sin. The man of perdition, the antichrist and the many in his army are uniting with you through your acceptance of all that is anti of My Life: murder is in the hearts of many - abortion, euthanasia and killing the handicapped - all that is opposed to My commandments. I desire that you read and live the Ten Commandments of your God.
The battle of the antichrist will continue with many illnesses and hunger which will befall the world but it is he who is antichrist in union with sin that will make it possible to bring this about.
What is taking place now (part of the third secret of Fatima which was never made public) is the Abomination - through the world leaders leading My people of the redeemed into a suppression of darkness and fear. Life will be lost but in many cases it is happening through the permittance of the dictatorship. You are surrounded by darkness and a suppression that is not of Me. How it grieves My Sacred Heart to witness how those of My shepherds who should uphold Truth and lead My flock, have scattered, many of them uniting with him who is not of Truth. I say to you, "O shepherds, who have permitted this, woe unto you when you come before Me. You have gone down the road of darkness and merryed your ways to hell.
My Church - its doors are now closed without need, while the raising up of antichrist is taking place, setting him in his true anchorage, in domination of the whole world. Black Masses, uniting more deeply with antichrist, are multiplying at this time for his enthronement.
My dear people, I have called you 'man of sorrow' for now you await the mark of the beast which will separate you from life in Me. The mark of the beast is ready and many will run to receive it. There will be a facility called ..* which will activate the mark of the beast for control, even unto death for many. Those who receive the mark of the beast , their life in union with Me will end for them, for they are in union with him who is antichrist and their only life will be with him. But for those who turn to Life and Truth and live it, let My commandments be in your heart and life and in that way you will remain in My Life. How My mercy flows and there are none to desire it. You have permitted yourselves to be thrown in the pit. Even in this late hour if you could only open your heart and your eyes and receive My mercy and wisdom, I could help you. Turn to Me, My people, for there is no reason that you cannot receive Me in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Ask Me for help and I will help you. The world's powers in evil are united for your destruction, suppression and control. I as your Lord God will permit this to take place until you decide you desire Life or death. I am aware there will be but a remnant that will remain faithful and then I will send forth at the appointed Hour of My Father the chastisement unto the world that will purify it of the dense darkness and evil and those who have united with it. My Father will permit fire to fall from the sky and many will be annihilated - antichrist and all who have given themselves to him and there will come a time of peace where there will be no tears but peace in union with your God. Do not be afraid and those united with you. I will be among you.
Fear not, for I am with you and I will inspire you to be in a place of safety in the coming Hour that is close at hand. I, Jesus bless you in union with My Father through the Holy Spirit.
* This detail in the message is on record and can be published at the appropriate time.