November 18, 1907
✞ By living her nothingness, the soul is filled with God.
Volume 8 — Entry 17
Just before the prophesied Era of Peace begins, there will be Three Days of Darkness. Fr. James Blount, with an exorcism and healing ministry, shares an experience he had of the Virgin Mary showing him a black out, three times. (This happened to Fr. Blount over two years ago.)
Note from Webmaster: I felt that this video was very timely for today. Although Father James Blount interpreted the meaning as possibly about the 3 days of darkness, looking back in retrospect over the past 2 years I came away with a different interpretation. (Our Lady never told him the interpretation of the vision.)
Not to long after he received this warning came the incident with the Vatican introducing the Pachamama idol, followed shortly by the surprise message from Sister Agnes of Our Lady of Akita. Then came the Wuhan virus... (oops, the media demands that we call it Covid-19. Sorry for my lack of political correctness.) followed by a universal lockdown, especially within our churches of which so few of our shepherd's fought against. Today, despite being permitted to attend church (for now), so few have returned. Our church parking lots, once overflowing with vehicles, sparsely now contains a fraction of what it used to. Evil forces within the U.S. are poised to usurp control of almost all faculties and powers of our once great republic, promising persecution to all those who do not conform to the god of this world and his dictates and the removal of their public voices through media and social media BLACKOUTs. (Proof-in-point: This weekend my family demanded that facebook remove a "Cuties" page were pedophiles we commenting about 8-year-old girls. Totally disgusting. Facebook informed us that the page does not go against any of their 'standards'. A few hours later, my friend was banned for posting The Lord's Prayer on grounds that it offends the public and goes against facebook standards of decency.)
The faithful are experiencing a true "BLACKOUT"... from the pulpit and in public life. So today, 2 years later, I have a feeling that our Lady's message to Father James Blount may had foreshadowed what we are now experiencing. As always, for your discernment. (In the end, this is just my opinion. Ignore it if you don't agree. God bless.)