✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
In the early morning hours of December 23, 2022, I had a very powerful dream or night vision. I was at a leadership event, by invitation only, where very important leaders and journalists were gathered from around the world. The man of perdition, also known as the antichrist, was preparing to make a public announcement for the first time. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement from all those who had prior allegiance to him, as well as those who had been selected to cover this story by media, as this was to be his first public appearance. The air was electrified, but not in a good way, as there was so much dark energy and oppression that it was crushing to my spirit. It felt like being in some type of vortex that was plugged into a purely evil source. It all felt so ominous and suffocating to my husband and I, and we did not completely understand why we were there. However, I believe we were there to observe and understand what the enemy was doing in preparation for his launch onto the world stage.
The man of perdition, the future world leader during the great tribulation, was very tall, slender, but muscular and had dark hair. He was a very arrogant man. I saw him only from a side view, as I knew in my spirit that I was not to look at him directly. As he walked through the crowd on his way to the platform, he made eye contact with everyone he could. As he did this, those who looked directly at him would come under a trance and drop to their knees and immediately start worshipping him. He approached me as he came through the crowd, and then stopped in front of me. I immediately shut my eyes, dropped to my knees and in my spirit worshipped the One and Only King Yahushua Messiah and Creator, the Only Son of the Father come in the flesh. I did this silently in my spirit, refusing to look up, as I had put my head to the ground as well. This man paused for a couple minutes in front of me, as if he wanted to confirm that I was worshiping him and no one else. When I stayed down with my eyes squeezed shut and not moving, he eventually walked on through the remaining group to approach the platform for his speech.
The scene then moved quickly to a house my family and I had rented that was some type of vacation rental. It was a home that was very modest and in much need of repair. Nothing matched and things inside and outside were literally falling apart. While our needs were provided for, we wondered why the home was in such poor condition and basically neglected.
We prepared then to go to another venue that we had been invited. As we arrived, we saw many believers had gathered for the 'event'. Little did we all know that the 'event' would be the outpouring and anointing of Yahushua's very presence on His people, as He suddenly was on the scene! The air was electrified instantly, but in a way that is indescribable as if plugged into THE SOURCE OF ALL. Words can't describe what it was like. In an instant, His Spirit flooded the gathering of believers, and I found myself on my knees again, but this time, sobbing and weeping literally not being able to control myself. I cried uncontrollably and saw and experienced His most powerful anointing pouring out over me, flooding every cell of my body. I could also see in the spirit at the same time that oil from Yahushua's hands was pouring over my head and running down every part of me like thick honey. I could feel every cell in my body responding to this outpouring of healing and strength, hallelujah!!!! I was healed!!! renewed, and strengthened for the next part of my journey, as was everyone there at the gathering. I really don't know how long I was down on my face, but when I moved to get up, everything in me had changed!!
The scene then returned to the vacation rental, but now it had supernaturally been remodeled. It was beautiful in my favorite blue color, and nothing was out of place! I said to Yahushua, why was this not done before? He replied, "Well now, all you have to do is ask! Anything you ask will be given to you from now on!"
End of dream.
As with anything I post, please pray for discernment and ask His precious Holy Spirit to reveal to you any personal details that are specifically for you as well as to confirm the authenticity of this dream/vision.
I immediately woke up from the dream, sat straight up and opened my eyes and began praising and worshipping our King Yahushua. All praise, honor and glory to our precious King and Messiah Yahushua for His sacrifice, for His love, and for His mercy, grace and favor!
As I was driving home from town yesterday, I heard Him say to me, "I am coming very very soon for you".
My beautiful brothers and sisters, keep your eyes Heaven-ward! He is so very near now, He speaks to us from within and our spirits sense the urgency of the hour and the nearness of His presence! Stay in constant prayer and repentance and pray unceasingly for the lost.
He is coming.. The King is coming!!!