✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Dear son, listen carefully: October this year will begin a period of great tribulation, foreseen by me when I was in France, in Portugal and in Spain. On those three occasions, I spoke about the cause for these [coming] tribulations. Be prepared, above all spiritually, for this period will not start with thunder, but will be gradual and will spread slowly throughout the world. The war [already] started will increase, as you saw above. There will be droughts, great storms and earthquakes in various places in the world. But as My Divine Son says: when you hear rumors, don’t be afraid!
Use the Miraculous Medal always, starting today, and also distribute it to your flock. Illness will not be the only evil that will spread; spiritual evil will be worse. Illness, however, will be a great scourge. Place the Medal of St. Benedict on the door and do not fail to wear the Scapular. Have blessed candles, blessed oil and holy water. Have no more doubts about the Good Samaritan Oil, bless it and use it. Try to maintain the state of grace, because the demons will attack humanity with very strong temptations, above all against the priests. Pray for them and pray for you too, who are also a priest. Always remember who you are! Pray also for your Bishop and for all bishops. Pray a lot for the Holy Father, fasting and making sacrifices for him. I, your Mother and Queen, will be with all those who have entrusted themselves to my care and will not leave any of my children destitute, as I promised many times.
I must alert you: these times are part of what I said in my Third Secret, in Portugal. On October 13th, I will give you a sign, as you asked me; that’s why I showed you that date. I received from God the mission to [stand] guard [along] with the holy angels that the Lord placed at my service, and all those who gave their lives to me. There will be great devastation from Russia, instigated by the Dragon from Hell. This will cause damage to all the world. But you however, fear not! This is the opportune time for holiness. Remember that the great saints appeared in moments of great darkness. Times of tribulation, especially this one, must not be faced with fear and cowardice, but with love and courage. See, son, that is why I have called you in this hour, so that you may remember and announce that the opportune time for holiness is now, today — not tomorrow. Eucharistic Adoration must be your anchor, and the chain of that anchor, the Holy Rosary. Eucharistic Adoration, acts of reparation and sacrifices, united with the Holy Rosary, can change all the prophecies! Don’t forget this: Adoration and the Holy Rosary. Do penance, offer sacrifices for the salvation of souls, for the conversion of sinners and the sanctification of the Clergy.
Remember that the Lord knows everything and commands everything. Soon, the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will arrive! Remain faithful in this time of purification, trust in the help of your Guardian Angel. The time for saints is now. Pray, dear son, pray and watch, as I called you today. Pray and watch. (Ecclesiasticus 18:7-14)