✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Holy Mary:
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I bless you!
Little children, the Light of the world is in the world, but the world is in darkness,
don't look at the sky,
don't look for the light,
persists in wanting to stay in the dark.
Dear children, God the Almighty Father sends Me among you to call you again to conversion.
May your path be in "totus tuus" to Him,
do not look for secondary ways because the only way that leads to Heaven, to salvation, is the one in Jesus Christ the Lord.
Follow the true Doctrine of the Church, my children!
The world is wrapped in darkness;
believe in this mission, truly believe in what the Lord tells you, do not turn a deaf ear,
you don't manage life your way,
be as the Lord demands of you: … all His!
Many men are moving away from Me: they are caught up in the things of the world!
You are toiling over nothing My children,
you are climbing on straws.
You will leave everything on this Earth!
Don't waste your life!
Money has an end My children: soon there will be an economic collapse!
Everything will come to an end!
I am thirsty! I thirst for you. My children, I thirst for your sincere "yes"!
Soon there will be my Divine intervention: we can't wait any longer!
The Antichrist has taken a stand in the Church.
Read the Holy Scriptures, o men, do not be in ignorance of the Word of God so as not to be deceived by the enemy.
Don't blame your God for everything that happens, …
don't blaspheme him, it's your own fault alone:
you have turned away from him to follow the devil.
You have denied it!
You have betrayed his Love!
You have betrayed yourselves, my children!
Soon, this Humanity will go into despair:
man will no longer have enough to feed himself;
those who have offended God and still reject Him will be in great suffering, they will cry out for help: but they will have no answer!
Repent now My children: there is no more time to lose.
I created you to be mine, Image and Likeness of Me.
But you gave up on all of that!!!
You preferred to follow the things of this world,
you have favored the one who breathed on your neck his breath of death, deviating you from the Truth, dragging you to his dark ways.
I am saddened, but I can do nothing for you who have not embraced the true Doctrine of the Church and are lost in the ways of Hell.
My Most Holy Mother is here with you, I am with her. I am here, present in this Hill: … have patience My children, here one will have great graces and great miracles will take place.
Everything is about to happen. Wait with patient love,
Convert My children , convert!!!
Note from Webmaster: I apologize, but I do not know much about this visionary except that her name is Myriam and that she lives in Italy. God bless.
I am Jehovah!
Holy is the Lord, God of the Universe !!
Dear children, with all of Myself I come to beg your conversion.
The time of great pains for this Humanity has come,
do not labor for the things of this world: soon they will be no more,
instead provide for the salvation of your soul.
Pray to your Father who is in Heaven, O men,
abandon yourselves to his Will,
get away from the things of the world!
The God of Eternal Love is at his intervention: ensure that He finds you ready to take you into Himself.
The New Era is about to begin!
My sons, make no mistake, do not stay in your ego!
Provide in all humility to respect the Commandments of God!
Return to Him who can do everything, He is your Creator, your only Good!
Release yourselves from the snares of the devil, o men, do not let yourselves be entangled in his evil, your God calls you to urgent repentance, be vigilant, do not hesitate any longer, the world has fallen into the miserable hands of Satan: give up his seductions!
Take the Holy Rosary in your hand and united with Mary Most Holy, beg the mercy of the Father.
The earth will continue to shake more strongly,
the volcanoes will erupt in unison,
the seas will rise,
the mountains will crumble:
where will you go to lay your head if you are far from your true God?
Satan wants your end, he is dragging you to Hell!!!
Wake up!
Fix yourself,
take care of your heart in God the savior.
The sun is at its eruption!
The Earth will remain in the dark!
A great blackout will come, and whoever has not accepted Heaven's suggestions will be displaced.
A freezing cold will follow and envelop the whole Earth.
Pray, men, return to your Creator God, ask for his help.
Do not despise his appeals: take care to place yourselves in the direction of salvation.
The great prelate is on his way: his intervention is in the Hands of God!
The Father does not abandon his Church!
Be faithful to the True Magisterium of the Church, O men,
seek the things of God!
A great roar is about to invest this planet, a new dawn will come. Amen!