✞ Obedience.
This video, created by Mother & Refuge of the End Times, is SO vitally important for all of us today. Did you know that Jesus is asking us to ASK for the grace to see ourselves as He sees us BEFORE the Warning!!! That's what happened to Harriet Hammons, who experienced the "Warning" back in March, 1998 after praying for several months for this grace. Harriet relates: "After having prayed for months to see myself as God The Father sees me, Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, revealed to me the areas that needed healing and forgiveness. This is not to conclude I will be exempt from the worldwide Warning when it occurs. This was in answer to prayer for this grace to be given me at this time, so I could be more thoroughly prepared spiritually to help others when this time comes."
Thank you Mother & Refuge of the End Times for sharing this with us!! If you are not subscribed yet, remember to do so!